No one is ever born into Life alone. Everyone has shared the bond of family, at least at birth, and for many people it is a bond that will follow them throughout life. For many people it is the most important bond of all. This is a story of my beautiful life...
Leaderboard Nuffnang
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Hafsya demam....
hafsya tak lekang ngan demam nyer...
start smlm die dh demam n sakit mata...
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Kisah Maid aku...
Monday, November 23, 2009
Setia Alam..
sejak2 aku iklan2 rumah aku kt setia alam utk disewa thn lepas... alhamdulillah spi skang msh lg ada yg tak putus2 tanya n email nk sewa rumah tuh... wpn aku rs aku dh tukar tajuk tuh pd 'Rumah tak jadi di sewa'.. takpe itu menandakan ramai yg berminat utk menyewa dn mencuba nasib tuk menyewa.. insyaAllah jika ada rezki bolehlah kite berurusan.... mgkn year 2011 sesape nk sewa apt kat setia alam buleh book skang dgn saya... hehehehe.... melampau rumah pn xsiap lg dh bukak booking for renting... ok...ok...just joking... tgglah rumah siap dl yer... |
Smart Reader Kerter Concert's Day...
sebaknyer rs ms dieorg psgkan slide student smart reader diiringi plak lagu graduation day tuh...
sedih sgt2 aku rs...betapa terasa sgt anak aku dh bsr rupe2nyer...
mls nk ckp byk dh...nnt tgk gambar jerlah...
gambar kabur kemain....
video hifzza entry lah..
not able to upload plak..
hampeh betul....
Friday, November 20, 2009
Dinner semalam....
terung masak sambal...
jering tuk asben aku...
ikan goreng...
n tak lupa makanan org kelantan....
BUDU + PELAM...!!!
mmg meletup makan smlm...
ngan hujan2 lebat gini...
sedapnyer...teringat2 lg....
Pelaburan di masa hadapan....
1st : property investment
kl nk invest dlm property please do some study on the location...
preferable pegi tgk perancangan bandar tuk kaw tuh...
tgk sama ada kaw tuh buleh maju atau tak...
byk yg nak dishare for property investment but i don't know how to put in words...
2nd : gold investment
sape berminat dlm gold investment...
hangpa tok sah lah duk pi beli maih kat kedai2 poh kong ka wah chan ka tomei ka...
sbb bile hangpa nak juai maih tuh hangpa toksah duk berangan nak dpt tgg...
sbb bile nak juai depa akan tolak harga susut nilai which is 25%...
lagi satu kalu hangpa beli maih kt depa nih mahai sbb depa include skali harga tukang/upah tuh...
tambah pulak cincin or rantai yg hangpa beli tuh pulak ada ngan batu batan nyer lg...
hangpa pikiaq mai...bape gram jah mas hangpa dlm tuh...
tuh yg jd kdg2 beli mahai tp nak juai mughah...
nk invest gold...invest bebetoi....
pi kat bank ckp hangpa nk beli jongkong maih or syiling maih...
n ada lg satu investment pki buku jah...
tp invest gold pki buku aku xtau halal or haram sbb ada org kata haram sbb beli brg tp xdpt brg...
tp kl sape yg lg arif share lh...
3rd : Unit trust investment
yg nih xbrp nk tau sgt....
tp buleh gune duit kwsp...
itu jer yg aku tau...bape percent ape sume...itu aku xtau..
nnt aku dh tau aku share ek...
jd invest sementara muda nih...
nih sume utk kesenangan anak2 kite gak...
oklah selamat melabur sume...
Hujan lebat...
gelapnyer lah hai....
nak banjir dh kot nih....
kl mcm nih hujan berterusan...
mmg banjirlah kerteh nih nnt...
harap2 xmcm banjirlah....
Thursday, November 19, 2009
pagi nih hujan sgtlah lebat.... nk mandi pn yg peliknyer even sejuk2 gitu.. si hafsya tetap nk mandi pagi jgk... btw, umah aku xde heater ek...wa tak mampu nk beli heater...uhuk...uhuk.... buleh imagine die nk mandi pkl 7am time hujan tgh lebat n air tgh sejuk giler.... maknyer pn xtahan... tp yg aku sedar die dh msk bilik air...dh bukak seluar.. n dh turunkan bath tub die tuh utk berendam... n hasilnyer die berjaya mandi pg tuh siap berendam tanpa menangis ape bende sume.... pengajarannya...ajarlah anak anda mandi air sejuk.. sng esok2....xpyh nk masak air...xyah beli heater... pastu buleh gak die sesuaikan diri nnt nk bljr kt UK.... iyelah sejuk2 pn leh mandi.... bagus anak2...ibu dh berjaya train kamu mandi air sejuk... sbg ganjarannya...nnt ibu bwk pegi tido hotel ek... nnt kl kite tido hotel br kite mandi air pns... ape maknanyer kl tido hotel tp mandi air sejuk gak kan... sia2 byr mahal tp mandi air sejuk kan... bagus...bagus...ibu sayang anak2 ibu...!! |
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Criminal Trick...
just would like to share some info yg i dpt from one of my friends... mcm berguna utk digunakan.... sharing is caring right... so i just share it anyway...
Watch Out for These Criminal Tricks: (1) Today I passed by a building which has an ATM machine. There was an old man looking at me. Suddenly, he called me. He said he did not know how to read, so he gave me his ATM card and asked me to help him withdraw money from the ATM machine. I answered 'NO! If you need help, ask the security to help you.' Then he said 'never mind…' and continued to find other people to help him… REMEMBER: ATM machines have CCTVs. If you help him he will later claim that you have robbed him or stolen his ATM card. Besides, his ATM card could be a stolen one. So please be careful of these tactics. (2) Suddenly your house lights go off. From your window you find that your neighbours still have their lights. So you go out of your house to check the Meter Box. But once you open the door, a knife will be pointing at you and preventing you from closing it. This is when you will be robbed and injured. REMEMBER: Even though your electricity suddenly goes off, DO NOT opens your door immediately. Look around to see if there is anything unusual or if there is any noise around. (3) This is another incident. You may have heard about it before; it is about a lady who saw a kid crying by the roadside. When she spoke to the kid, the kid told her he was lost and wanted her to take him home. The kid even gave her a paper with his house address. So she took him home. But when she rang the door bell, she had an electric shock. Later when she woke up, she was naked in an empty room. REMEMBER: Being such a compassionate and helpful person might not be a good thing these days. Girls, please be careful. DON'T BE TOO KIND! (4) One day, there was an old lady outside my house holding two packets of sweets. At first I thought she was our neighbour and wanted to give us these packs of sweets as a gift. But then when she spoke, I realize that she was foreigner. I could not understand what she was talking about. I guessed she must be asking for money. I sensed there was something wrong and immediately closed the door and ignored her. Later, I found she and an accomplice robbed someone else down the road. (5) I was at the ATM machine to withdraw some money. Behind me, there was an old lady. She asked me whether I was able to withdraw my money because she said she had problem with the machine. Suddenly a small girl came up beside me. The small girl was tugging and squeezing in front of me. I thought she was just naughty and playful. But then, the small girl placed her hand inside the tray of the ATM machine where the money was being dispensed out; ready to take away my money. I sensed something wrong and immediately pushed her away. Later I realized that the small girl and the old lady worked hand in hand together. She was trying to steal my money while the old lady was trying to distract my attention by asking me questions! REMEMBER: BE VERY CAREFUL when you are at an ATM machine and be alert. Look out for anyone suspicious around you! (6) My parents are retired and stay at home most days. One afternoon, a young stranger went to their house and said his motorcycle had no more fuel and the petrol station was too far away, for him to push his bike there. So he asked my parents for an empty coke bottle to buy some petrol. He said he will pay RM2 for the bottle. So my mum gave one coke bottle to him. He really took out the money from his pocket, but it was a RM 100 note. He told my mum he had no small change and asked my mum to give him the change. Luckily my mum was smart. She just told him to take it for free. REMEMBER: obviously that note is fake! Who would want to pay for RM2 for an empty coke bottle! It's very OBVIOUS that that stranger was a trickster. (7) This happened in Bali. A newly married couple was having their honeymoon at the hotel. When both were in the changing room, the wife suddenly went missing. The husband was very anxious and went around finding her. He asked the hotel staff to help him find her. Then he thought his wife was just playing hide and seek. So he went back and waited for his wife. After a few hours, he decided to call the police. Three weeks passed and there was still no news about his missing wife. So he went back and was very disappointed and sad. A few years later, he came back to Bali, to watch a 'FREAK SHOW' in an old house. He saw a dirty and rusty metal cage. Inside there was a lady without limbs. Her body including the face was full of scars. When he had a closer look at her face, he was shocked to find out that she was his missing wife caged there and used for begging. (8) This happened in Shanghai. A few years ago, a lady reported to the police that her cousin sister was missing in the shopping complex. But after five years, one of her friends found her cousin sister begging at the road side on one of the streets in Bangkok, Thailand. The worst thing was that her cousin sister had no more limbs and her body was tied to a lamp post with a shackle (metal chain). (9) Let's just shorten this story. DO NOT open your house door when you hear the sound of a BABY CRYING! It might be a trap! Women in the house must be alert to this form of trick. The police said it is the work of a robber or murderer using the recording of a crying baby to attract your attention. This normally happens at night and when you are alone in the house. (10) I read an e-mail that was sent by my friend. Her friend, known as A, went to Luo Hu Commercial City with 2 friends, B and C. Luo Hu Commercial City is known as the Shenzhen counterfeit goods distribution center. There are many people there. It's also near to the Shenzhen train station and Hong Kong's Luo Hu Port. C went to the toilet at the shopping centre while A and B waited outside. After waiting for a long time they felt uneasy and went into the toilet to look for her. When they went in, there was nobody inside. Both were scared and they called C's phone. There was no reply. So they reported to the police. The police asked them whether they had seen anybody suspicious going into the toilet. Both said there was none and it's impossible to bring a person out of the toilet without them noticing! Then I remembered seeing a cleaner pushing a trolley in, and then coming out of the toilet.. The police told them that were not the first time such a thing happened there. The police suspected a gang of criminals who were always attacking women in the toilets of shopping complexes. They use cleaners to kidnap people to harvest their organs for sale. REMEMBER: please be careful when using the toilet. Do not go to the wash room or toilet ALONE! Please at least have a partner with you. |
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Sakit perut...
perut nih pg2 dh buat hal... br duduk dh skt perut... mkn ape ntah spi sakit perut.. oklah gtg...panggilan pulau memanggil... |
Monday, November 16, 2009
Tie Racks Scarves for sale....
kt sini aku nk announce aku skang merupakan penjual tie rack...!!!
jgn risau harga yg dijualkan amatlah murah dr harga pasaran...
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Free ticket Air Asia...
hmmm....tak berapa puas ati sgt... dpt free ticket tp tpt yg tak berapa menarik... thinking of going to HK or UK.... tp UK dh penat crk xde pn free seat... HK pn same xde free seat... HK dpt tiket murah pergi rm124 n return dpt free ticket... tp akak aku ckp time tuh sejuk xleh nk gi mn sgt... so reject jgk HK.. tp ati nih terpanggil2 nk gi HK disneyland... maybe next time... so will be trying to enjoy our family vacation on Sept 2010... perrghhh...lambat lg tuh... tp kl xjd pergi incase ada hal yg xdpt dielak.. aku xralat sgt sbb i just pay for rm232.... okler tuh.... hopefully...enjoy ler nnt... kl xenjoy wa pu citau lahhh.... |
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Sad news...
remember this entry.... the sad news is i'm not pregnant... sedihnyer rs... sbb mmg tingin sgt2 nk pregnant lg... takpelah maybe next time.... |
Monday, November 9, 2009
Through my window..
xtau kenapa..mgkn sbb lagu die yg rancak mcm nk menari..
so layankan ajer yer...
lagu nih...
btw, skang lagu nih dh byk version..
version shila anak ND Lala nyanyi pn sedap jgk...
Terjatuh n berdarah....
smlm bwk hafsya main2 kat luar.... ada satu buai kt umah jiran... tp sbnrnyer xelok pn buai tuh... kl duduk kene imbang badan dl... kl tak siap mmg menyembah bumi ler jwbnyer... elok kejap kluarlah anak jiran umur dlm 8 thn dukung adik die umur 10 bulan... pastu die pn nk gilah duk kt buai tuh ngan adik die... aku plak ms tuh nk menuju kt dieorg n mata aku mmg tak lepas kt budak 2 org tuh... tiba-tiba.....kakak terlepas dukungan adik sbb nk betukan tpt duduk buai... menyebabkan adik tersembam ke atas tar jalan.... tuh terkejut aku tgk... aku nk tlg pgg budak tuh tp dh xsempat..... igtkan takde ape2....rupe2nyer....idung berdarah...mulut berdarah....kepala dh merah... buleh bayang tak effect budak yg tersembam atas jalan tar tuh dr ketinggian 2 kaki... aku tgk trs gitau kt kakak die... 'dik....darah tuh...tgk darah adik tuh...' kakak die tgk mmg menjerit pggl mak die...sbb dh takut tgk adik die berdarah2 nih... kesian nyer aku rs kt budak tuh.... ms tuh aku dh xmsk campurlah...sbb tgk dh kalut2... kakak nih kene marah ngan adik beradik die yg lain n dieorg tanya mcm mn adik die jatuh... budak umur 8thn nk jwb ape..abih kuat die jwb tak taulah... pastu elok...bapak die lak kuar marah2 tanya mcm mn adik die jatuh... mcm biasa budak nh jwb xtau... aku kesian sgt ms tuh sbb aku bebetul2 ada tgk mcm mn budak tuh jatuh.... 2-3 kali aku kuar msk umah pk ptt tak aku gitau mcm mn budak tuh jatuh n biarkan budak tuh kene marah... last2 aku pk..kl aku berada dlm keadaan parents budak tuh mst aku nk tau mcm mn budak tuh jatuh.. so that senang kl Dr tanya nnt in case ape2.. so last2 aku pn memberanikan diri gak gi kt umah tuh bg salam n citer sume tuh kt jiran aku tuh.... pas dh citer tuh lega aku rs sbb at least aku dh buat part aku.. mst parents tuh pn dh lega iyelah at least tau mcm mn anak dieorg jatuh tuh... n budak tuh keep on kene marah ngan bapak die... spi xleh msk umah.... kesian pn ada kt budak tuh.... lgpn aku rs kl aku kt tpt parents tuh pn maybe i'll do the same tp xde spi xleh msk umah kot.. biasalah bile tgh marah n panik mcm2 hal kite buat diluar kesedaran... hopefully aku xjd mcm tuh... igt nk gi umah jiran tuh ptg nih tanya khabar anak die.. hopefully everything is going to be ok.... |
Friday, November 6, 2009
Nak cash out nuffnang...
the problem is die kata payee name not the same with ic ker pemende ntah...
pastu spi skang aku xcash out pn duit tuh...
xdelah byk mn pn..
tuh pn setahun tgg nk dpt duit byk tuh...
iyelah sbb unique visitors xbyk....
zaman2 aktif blogging...syok jgk jgk tgk unique visitors...
tp skang nih kl dh lps 20 unique visitor tuh pn dh kire bersyukur...
ok back to story...spi skang aku xberani nk cash out kan duit tuh..
sbb aku notice setiap kali aku cash out die ptg seringgit...
abis kl dh 50 kali try sume salah...abih duit nuffnang rm50...!!!
dh ler nk dpt duit seciput tuh makan tahun...
aku dh report kt help desk tp xtau lah status tuh sama ada dh dibetulkan ker belum....
kene tanya helpdesk lg skali nih...
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Tyracshop for sale....
tp aku yg nk jual baju from that boutique...
remember this entry...
aku dh terima dressess tuh sume..
but ada satu dress tuh yg teramatlah besar ngan aku...
and i'm thinking to let go the dress....
cantik...!!! but too big for me....
aku beli dgn harga rm73...
but i'm letting it go pd harga rm65...
xpelah aku rugi pn. dr membazir xdipakai...
so sesiapa yg berminat leh comment kt sini or email me at
Ke Awana Kijal..
leh lah mereleasekan tension jap dr duk kt opis tuh....
ok just nk share seperkara yg menhantui aku....
aku byk bc blog ttg usana....
n aku mcm teringin sgt nk minum usana tuh...
tp aku rs dgn berat aku skang nih iaitu 52kg dgn ketinggian 165cm...
buleh ker minum usana...
adakah aku akan makin kurus..??
aku just nak healthy diet...
sbb frankly speaking aku mmg byk makan junk food mcm biskut n coklat...
kl kat opis tuh mmg tuh kene sentiasa ada kt meja....
boleh ker kl aku minum usana die mcm get rid away feeling of eating junk food...
sbb mostly aku tgk peminum usana akan cepat kenyang.....
kl lah ada sesape yg leh terangkan psl usana kan best...
need to find their dealer and email to them....
tp kl ada sesape kt sini knows about usana do share about it k...
one more thing is usana really affordable compare to other produk....
so buleh lah nk beli...
ok, gtg nk gi bersiap nk gi awana lak...
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Pregnant or not..??
nothing much actually to blog about... cume skang rs mcm pregnant... waaahhhh....statement.....!!! rs jer mcm xtaulah pregnant ker tak... kl pregnant alhamdulillah... kl xpregnant pn year cube lg... xtau ape dh nk gitau... lain kl lah plak... |
Monday, November 2, 2009
Where should we go..??
hhhmmm...thinking of a holiday for my family.. husband had already give me the green light to go and book the place.. but the thing is where should we go... kt dlm negara or kat luar negara.... waaaahhhh...kt luar negara dh mcm kaya sgt bunyinyer... masalahnyer kaya ker...?? ok..ok..cut the crap... husband suggest to go in March 2010... which ever places that is no hassle and massle (ada ker word nih)... to bring 4 years old and 1 1/2 years old kid... any suggestion anyone...?? just simply throw out your idea... tak kisahlah memana pn.... tolong ek.... ok, thanks... |
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Ada sorang staff tak professional...
ada sorang staff.. die tak professional... sbb die tak professional so aku shoot an email to his boss... why die tak professional sbb issue from last yearnyer meeting pn xresolved lagi.. so aku geram i shoot an email to his boss... lepas shoot email to his boss barulah die menggelabah xtentu hala... lepas tuh cakap mcm nak marah2.. herrrllloooowwww....keje u tak siap n then u nak marah kat i...!! after a year i'm trying to initiate a meeting with him... i'm able to get him for a meeting within a day... tgk betapa powernyer shoot email kt boss.... aku bukan sesaje nk shoot email kt boss... but if u do your things right, what the hell aku nk shoot email at your boss.... 1 year i've been waiting for u to resolved the issue and try to initiate a meeting with u since u did not show any effort to resolve the issue... but the answer i've got only... i'm busy...bla..bla..bla.. i'm having a meeting with this my schedue is full... your schedule is full but how come when i browse thru your calender... your schedule is free... where do u keep your schedule.... we have a system to put in all our meeting but u did'nt use it as it is... lagi byk alasan doooowwwww..... conclusion : die xprofessional sbb bile aku shoot email die tepon aku marah2...kl die professional die akan terima itu sume n remain a good relationship among colleague...bosan giler berinteraksi ngan org xprofessional nih...!! |
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Musim tengkujuh...
skang kt area terengganu dh nampak dh nk start musim tengkujuh... skang pg jer hujan.... arap2 xde lah hujan jer... kl tak nnt susah nk bsh baju... rsnyer ada nnt yg antar dobi lak bj tuh.... so plan utk cuti2 mesia.. kite pendamkan dl... once musim tengkujuh dh berakhir..kite plan lg tuk cuti2 mesia... so for the time being nih our cuti2 mesia will only focus kt Mesra Mall kerteh until further notice... p/s : haiihh...nk tgg Mesra Mall bkk TGV n bowling tuh berjanggut....don't talk about these 2 places lah..tuh Giant yg dh setahun terperuk ngan brg2 sume still xbukak2 lg...what are stopping them to open this all of these?...tpt dh ada...tgg nk cabut papan2 yg tertera opening soon tuh jer... |
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
My Maid...
tak tau lah kenapa maid aku yg kali nih aku rs xsecure sgt2... n aku xpercaya lgsg ape yg die ckp since there were few incidents yg membuatkan aku xpercaya ckp die... aku tak tau nak buat mcm mn.. cube aku beserah n bertawakkal jer... aku minta petunjuk dr Allah ape yg perlu aku buat.. whether to send her home..or biar jer die keje fr at least a year... but last few nights aku ada mimpi yg aku antar die blk.. is that a petunjuk..?? sbb before nih pn aku ada buat solat istikharah sama ada nk antar blk or biar jer die keje ngan kiterog.. mgkn kene buat solat istikharah byk2 lg.. biar Allah bg petunjuk... i will blog about my maid later n will for readers opinion k.. |
Monday, October 26, 2009
My dresesses had arrived...
remember this entry... Hye Dear, Your dresses have arrived. Below are your order: 6146 - RM 73 6119 - RM 73 Kindly transfer RM 153 ( inclusive of RM 7 Pos Laju ) into my Maybank account: my dresess had arrived... i'm not even excited at all... by looking at the price that i have to pay... but this is a lesson learnt for me.. do check the price 1st before made any booking...!! but afterall, it's fine with me... let's just wait for my dress to be arrived safely... |
Friday, October 23, 2009
Bukit Gambang Water Park...
xde maknanyer ok...!!!
skang ari jum jam 9.27am..
aku msh kt kerteh...
disbbkan ada berlaku perselisihan faham smlm...
maka aku dgn confidentnyer telah memberitahu asben..
aku : xyah gi lah bukit gambang...!!
asben : betul ker tak yah gi..(sambil gelak2..)
aku : betul..!!...xnak gi bukit gambang...
waahhh...dgn sombong ngan angkuhnyer aku ckp xnak..
hari nih padan muka aku...terkulat2 duk umah...
tp pg nih stlh terkulat2 duk umah..
aku paksa gak asben aku kuar...
bapak bosan duk kt kerteh nk gi mana...!!
at last..asben aku bersetuju nk bwk bini die-kemaruk-nak jalan nih gi kuantan...
kuantan pn kuantanlah dr terperuk duk kt umah jer...
betapa jauhnyer perjalanan aku hujung mgg...dr terengganu spi ke pahang..
langkah satu negeri tuh...
jauh pn jauh asal dpt berjalan..
oklah nk gi bersiap gi kuantan...
Pergi UK lagi :-(.... jer pegi bulan 8 aituh...
nih skang pegi lg...
mak aku nih buat UK cam gi KL jer kot....
die gi pn sbb teman mak sedara aku yg nk gi UK...
ape2 jerlah...
cume jgnlah di lupakan anakanda di sini...
belikanlah ape2 yg ptt yer...
but, now i'm missing my mum very much..
sbb rutin aku ari2 akan tepon die...
skang mcm mn nk tepon...
takpe...die gi kejap jer...
bulan nov nnt blk..
cepatlah bulan nov...!!!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
hangin nyerr aku...!! mn entry yg aku taip td... dh tekan publish tp hape bende pn xkuar... hampeh sungguh...!!! kjdskjfkjdsfkjdfjkdfj...!!! (terlampau marah spi xtau kuar ape dh) |
Sarah Nur kasih..
minat pn sejak 2-3 mgg lepas...
sbb aku pelik perhal ler akak aku ngan adik ipar aku beria xnak kuar ari jum mlm...
dgn alasan sbb nk tgg nur kasih...
that's nonsense kay..!!!
peeerghhh....mak speaking uollss xpsl2....
bermula dr saat terpaksa duk-umah-sbb-sedara-xnak-kuar jum-mlm...
maka aku pn terjebak ler tgk citer nur kasih tuh...
citer die ok jerler...
xdelah spi kl org ajak aku kuar jum mlm tuh aku xnak kuar...
waaahhhh...sempat lg kutuk...
abis ler aku kene hentam ngan peminat-nurkasih-xkuar-jum-mlm....
aku sbnrnyer nk citer bende lain...
melalut spi ke tpt lain...
disbbkan musim nur kasih nih kan..
jd fb pn berjangkit ngan nur kasih gak...
dh ada plak kuiz...''apakah watak anda dlm nur kasih..'
aku pn xlepas peluang ler tuk cube kan..
tp lepas dh jwb kuiz tuh..
tau ape watak aku....
terkesima aku dibuatnyer tau...
jap aku tjk ek...
amik kau...!!!
watak sarah ok...!!!
ada ker ptt aku yg lemah lembut cam nur ajna leh jdk sarah...
tp aper2 hal mmg aku xpercaya ngan kuiz tuh...
aku still merasakan aku nih selembut nur...
*abang adam..*...terus feeling2 jdk nur...
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Bukit Gambang Resort City..
yahuuuuuu...!!! jum nih nak pi Bukit Gambang Resort City... nk bwk anak2 sbnrnyer... bkn mak die...nk cover excited ckp anak2.... takpe nnt aku update ek... kite tgk best sgt ker bukit gambang nih compare ngan sunway lagoon... |
I'm so sad....
hifzza kalau die ada buat salah... pastu aku marah mulalah die... contoh : ibu : hifzza, ibu cakap xleh makan kan...tunggu ayah dulu.... hifzza : hhhmmmmm....i'm so sad... siap buat muka...gosok2 mata konon nk nangis... aku nk tergelak tgk.. siap gitau i'm so sad tuh yg xtahan.... tulah hifzza.... mcm2 hal.... die kl speaking boleh cume kene selalu speaking ngan die... tambah plak 24jam duk tgk payhouse disney channel tuh.... jd kl nak anak2 terrer english..bukak jer channel 613 tuh... insyaAllah pandai lah least die tau words in english.. |
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
skali bc online boutique tuh bunyi cam kedai scarf tie rack.. tp bukan yer tuan2 dan puan.. itu adalah online boutique blouse n dress.... aku berkenan ngan bj kat atas tuh.. cantik tak..?? aku rs mcm cantik.. tp masalahnyer... harga die quite expensive.... memula die publish tops nih tanpa ltk price.. so aku pn main booking jerlah dua bj kat atas tuh.. skali bile bukak lg skali web die... tuh dia....rm 73!!!!.. masak aku nk byr satgi 2 psg bj tuh... xsure whether dh msk postage ker belum... tak gitau pn asben aku... main beli jer....kl die tau mau die bising kt telinga nih... tp diam2 sudah lorrr.... terpaksa lah potong siap2 gaji ari khamis nih buat bayar baju... tp overall aku suka tgk design bj die cantik2 even tho it's a bit pricey.. so sesape nk lawat blog tuh.. sila ke yer... |
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Frust menonggeng...
bosannyer... aku suka bc blog org tp aku dh xreti nk berblog... abih camno tuh.... tapi takpe aku cube asah blk bakat blog aku ek... mula2 nak citer psl...... perrrrgghhhhhh....ayat pebende mcm tuh.... mcm nk buat karangan budak sekolah jer... lain kali lah aku blog blk....!!! *tak puas ati sbb nk blog tp ayat jd mcm budak sekolah... |
Monday, October 19, 2009
lama tak berblog...
lamanyer aku tak berblog.. serius xreti dh camner nk tulis blog.. iyerlah dulu idea mencurah2 dtg.. skang nih tak reti lgsg.... nak kene asah blk nih.... |
Friday, August 28, 2009
Pukul 3 or pukul 6...
tetiba dgr asben aku kejut aku....
asben : bangun...dh pkl 6 nih...
sblm menjwb tgk dl jam kt dinding...
eh, laki aku nih br pkl 3.15 minit dan 33 saat...(ok aku tipu bab 33 saat)
dh confirm diri ini benar br menjwb ngan asben...
aku : belumlah br pkl 3 lebih tuh....
sbl dlm ati berkata2...tuh mst tgk decoder astro tuh...
sbb kt decoder astro tuh menunjukkan channel 613..
jd mgkn laki aku mamai die igt skang dh pkl 6...
jd aku pn smbg tido blk....
asben : eh, bgnlah...dh pkl 6 nih..
aii..kejut aku lg asben aku nih...
xpuas ati npknyer kanda melihat dinda tidur nih....
apsal ler laki aku nih mamai sgt mlm ni nih.....
aku : blm lg br pkl 3 lah....
asben : ape yg pkl 3 nyer...nih hafsya demam nih...
sape yg mamai sbnrnyer nih...mak ker laki mak...
dhler ngan confident rs laki mak yg mamai berdsrkan bukti jam dan decoder astro....
hapeerrrrr rupe2nyer mak yg mamai !!!....
trs mak malu sbl berlari msk blr air nangis.....(ok ini pn aku tipu sbnrnyer..)
back to the reality...
trs bgn terperanjat...
iyer rupe2nyer hafsya ada dmm skit..but very mild...
aiseeeyyyy...nih sume salah laki aku..
sape suh ckp romantik malam2 kan ayang dh silap dengar...
eccececece....dan2 tuh salahkan romantik..dan2 tuh basekan diri ayang...
ptttuuuuiiii lerr...
yer siler salahkan org lain yer jgn salahkan diri sendiri....
dan selepas itu dh xmamai tp penyudahnyer sahur pg tuh terlajak....
sbb pas bg ubat kt hafsya sambung tidur blk wpn jam dh menunjukkan pkl 4...
lg 1/2 jam ms tuk bgn msk sahur....
propability nk terlajak sahur mmg dh npk sgt dh kt situ....
xpelah yer bang kite telan air liur jerlah amik berkat sahur...
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
U are an annoyerr....
title ntah ape2...ada ker perkataan english annoyer... takpe belasah jerlah.... i hate people yg anoyying.... cam nak sepak2 n bagi penampar jer... just know i asked 1 of my colleague about this 1 instrument yg aku xtau haram jadah mn tempatnyer.... aku : annoyyer, (hahah....buleh tak ganti nama sbg annoyyer) mn letaknyer bende alah nih annoyyer : haaiii....tak tahu ker...?? cube ler tgk dlm blk electrical rsnyer kt situ ler tptnyer....(dgn gelak yg cam...eeeiiii...mmg irritate abislah...) aku : damn u...eeiii..annoying nyer!!!! (dlm ati jerlah).. without even say thank u, aku terus blah... n i keep on hearing that die cam duk borak2 kt situ... *****t pn xtau ker kat mn bende tuh...??* damn it...!!! yer...sile jadikan saya bahan untuk gelak... i'm asking dgn polite n lemah lembut gemalai.... n why u are answering my question in such an irritating way...!!! yess...i admit ler some of the things aku xtau kt mn letaknyer.... so aku tanyalah....when i'm asking this is also part of learning... tp bile dijwb dgn cara yg betul2 irritating nih mmg bikin ati panaslah.... xleh ker jwb elok2.... aaiiiihhh...sakit ati dibuatnyer.... sabar jerlah....nsb baik bulan pose... |
Mual n loya...
setiap pg tiap kl nak gosok gigi... mst rasa mual n loya sama mcm pregnantkan si hafsya dl.... kdg2 nk jer bg muntah tp sbb pk kan tgh pose kan.... tahankan ajer... ape keheinyer nak paksa2 muntah.... nk batal pose ler tuh... tp diingatkan ini bukanlah simptom2 pembawaan budak or ape2 permbawaan.... hanya sbb mind nih tetiba jer terswitch pd pose 2 thn lepas ms pregnantkan hafsya... rs fobia smcm jer 1st trimester ms pose... sgt2 membawakan kepada kemuntahan keloyaan dan kepeningan yg melampau.... so akan cube sehabis baik utk tidak mengahdapi 1st trimester semasa bulan pose... ler aku buleh tentukan... tp kl dh rezki tuh dpt time bulan pose ku terima dgn hati terbuka.... year pose bulan brp ek...?? kene planning baik nih..... |
Monday, August 24, 2009
Ape bab*...???
di suatu petang sementara aku tgh masak tuk berbuka kt dapur... aku suh maid aku bg makan kat hafsya n hifzza... makan malamlah xmlm sgt sbb br pkl 6pm... aku : bibik, kamu bg makan kat hafsya n hifzza yer.. bibik : baik ibu melangkah ler bibik aku ke ruang tamu nk pggl anak2 ku itu... sementara aku meneruskan tugas memasak ku seperti biasa... bibik : hafsya..!! hifzza..!! mari makan kt belakang nih...nnt buleh tgk 'bab*'.... whaaatttttt!!!!!!!.....tgk bab*...!!! aku kt dapur terkejut dgr.... kot yer pn blkg umah aku nih ada bab* hutan... tp xkan ler nk ajak anak aku makan sbl tgk binatang tuh.... xpuas ati aku tanya die blk.... aku : bik, kamu ckp ape td...tgk bab*..?? bibik ; eh, bukan ibu!!...tgk sapi... oooo....tgk sapi ker... lahai bunyi dh mcm binatang tuh jer dr jauh.... |
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Melaram baju raya....
baju kurung hifzza n hafsya dah siap.... smlm try bj dieorg tuh.... comei sgt2... sbb elok2 jer ngan dieorg.... bj corak harimau... nnt pagi2 raya kite pakat2 mengaum yer.... |
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
at pwtc....
Connected thru pnswifi ntah pebende ntah....
Tima kasih sbb buat amal jariah...
Bosan gle sbb attend this seminar ngn bos...
Ok,gtg sbb bos dtg duk tepi aku n aku trpaksa layan die borak sbl buat entry kt blog...
Damn it!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Maksud ayat ini...
Friday, August 7, 2009
Aksi si Hafsya...
mmg kdg2 aku surrender ngan die nih...
tp surrenderlah mcm mn pn...
anak sendiri tetap sayng bagai nak rak jgk...
nih aku nk tayang video die ms gi imigresen last week...
matiklah bg entry basi berkulapuk nih....
lantaklah kan...
tgklah kelasakan die tuh...
ku biarkan jer..
jgn lasak2 spi nk luka2 tuh mmg mak xbiarkan...
kl korg perasan...
hafsya hanya pakai bj free beli diapers...
bile tgk banyak bj die dh xmuat nsb ada lg bj free tuh..belasah jerlah yer hafsya...
Macaroni and cheese...
tp bukan ala mac n cheese kenny rogers...
nih ala2 lasagne...
instead of using lasagne sheet tuh...
kite pki macaroni...
rsnyer of courselah sedap...!!!

resepi from Ummi.....
so here goes the recepi...
tumpang lalu kak ummi saya C&P jer...
115gm macaroni
55gm butter/marjerin (*akak guna butter)
30gm tepung gandum
575ml susu segar
170gm cheddar cheese (*akak letak je 2 kpg slice cheese yg disiat2)
3 tbsp fresh parsley-hiris (sy gune dry ajer)
garam dan lada sulah
100gm serbuk roti
45g parmesan cheese-parut
**kalau xmau terlalu cheesy sampai xleh nak telan, buleh kurangkan kuantiti susu segar dan campurkan dgn air biasa sampai jadi 575ml
Panaskan oven 180 degree. Griskan loyang dgn butter.
Rebus macaroni dlm air didih(ikut arahan paket). Letak garam sedikit. Toskan.
Cairkan butter, tambahkan tepung. Kacaukan selama 2 minit. Masukkan susu dan biar sampai didih. Terus kacau sampai nampak ia dah memekat, lebih kurang 5 minit.
Alih dari api, masukkan macaroni, cheddar cheese dan parsley. Gaul sebati. Masukkan garam dan lada sulah secukup rasa.
Masukkan macaroni ke dalam loyang, ratakan.
Dlm mangkuk lain, campurkan serbuk roti sgn parmesan cheese. Taburkan atas macaroni tadi.
Bakar 30-35minit atau hingga bhgn atas jd 'golden brown'.
aku tak gune parmesan cheese sbb takde...
so aku gantikan ngn cheddar chese...
slicekan n tabur atas macaroni...
n daun basil tuh pn xletak...
sbb bile nk beli..
gile mahai nak mampus daun basil tuh..
jd xyah letak...heheheheh..
pepandailah korg ubahsuai resepi nih ikut citarasa n bahan2 yg ada...
kdg2 memasak nih hanya perlukan kreativiti..
tp biarlah kreatif bertempat....
kl dh kreatif sgt pn kdg2 xleh jgk...
sudahnyer msk tong sampah bukan perut...
ok selamat mencuba...
My life changed...
bukan changed ape pn...
but ever since aku ada maid nih...
my routine life now is totally change...
bab2 kemas umah, basuh bj and lipat kain of course tuh tugas maid...
but tugas masak skang sume dh jatuh pd aku...
but don't get me wrong....bkn aku mengeluh...
tp i suke coookkiiinnnggg....!!!!
kene msk ari2 3 kali shari pn xkisah as long as ada org yg nk bersihkan segala perkakas mak nenek yg bertimbun lepas msk....
smlm one of my labmate pelik sbb aku sibuk duk cr resepi...
for about 1 year aku xde maid....
mmg aku
so die tanya aku...
die : eh, apsal ko sibuk nk msk2 bukan ko ada maid...
aku : ada maid ler kene msk
die : eh, aperhal plak ada maid ler tak yah msk..maid ko xmsk ker....
aku : hheeerrrrrlllloooowwwww....xkan aku nak suh laki n anak aku mkn maid aku msk....
aku kl boleh cube utk tak bg maid aku msk...
kdg2 kl aku xsempat sgt mlm th nk msk tuk anak aku...
then only aku suh die msk esok tuk anak aku...
cube pk ler.....lauk tuk asben aku mkn dh msk 3 dishes dh...
dibuatnyer arituh msk bende pedas...mcm mn anak aku nk makan kan....
kl dh xlrt nk buat another dishes for my 2H then only aku suh die msk....
tp i'll try my best utk mskkan jgk tuk family aku...
n disbbkan ada maid nih....
bermcm2 kek, biskut, puding aku cube...
n aku juga realize after ada maid nih...
aku dh jrg
iyelah everything settle..nak stress ape lg...
dl xde maid mmg ler...keje nk stress jer bile blk umah...
bile blk keje tgk umah bersepah mulalah stress..
bile stress mula lah rs nk marah org...
but now alhamdullillah...
hopefully bende yg baik nih akan berterusan...
Thursday, August 6, 2009
nih dpt dr forwarded email... For info sharing.... High risk infection to person yg smooking, has atshma, children, pregnant Woman. Beginner stage Batuk, selsema, demam, sakit tekak, bila terbesin bunyi tak kuat... Second Stage Susah bernafas, simtom macam asthma but not asthma, at this stage if you touch the person, or breath in the same room 80% boleh kena...masa ni kena hospital. Masalahnya sekarang dah ramai yg kena. hospital tak cukup katil & bilik kuarantin...Bila u pengsan macam nak mati baru dia org admitted.macam kes adik I. Critical Lung infection. Bila X ray we can see the virus covered the lung. Like my brother case. Very scary bila tengok x ray tu.. At this stage u need oksigen with highest level, Strongest antivral..very high drug. At least 7 days oksigen kena bagi. % to recover depend to age, imune badan u. That's why kalau baby atau budak2 susah nak kata...normally die. My brother hari ni genap 8 hari..still need oksigen. Kesian dia. Masa tahap critical tu tercungap2 dia bernafas, sampai menangis..Sampai satu tahap dia berguling atas simen sbb dah tak tahan...sampai dia give up ..sampai dia blh cakap lebih baik Allah ambik nyawa dia...Itu lelaki tu..imagine kalau pompuan atau budak2. We all cuma blh tengok dia dari cermin...tak blh masuk dlm bilik kuarantin...Dr & nurse aje boleh masuh...siap pakai baju plastik. To support him, what we did bagi sms, bagi dia alquran biar dia baca so that dia tenang, bagi tasbih biar dia zikir ingat Allah & bagi Air yasin...Alhamdulillah pastu dia ok sikit.Ada hikmahnya...All the family member unite to support my brother fighting the virus. Masalahnya hospital swasta tak terima H1N1 case, sekarang ni semua depend hospital kerajaan yg most of the doctors still young . The oldest dr in my brother ward was 28 years. All the Otai dah pergi private. Lepas tu plak this is the first time to treat H1N1 patient. At the same time dr bz with other case as well...1 doktor 5 patient...kat gov hospital...kesian dr2 tu...berhempas pulas nak selamatkan patient. I appreciate them, mmg very appreciate dia org jaga adik i dgn baik sekali..So far hospital Ampang is the best goverment hospital yg i jumpa..very efficient..Very quick action ..Even senior dia org dah pergi private & they don't have much experience , dia org tetap work hard give the best treatment to the patients..sampai tak balik rumah...tidor kat hospital. Rasa nak peluk & cium dia org sebab selamatkan adik I...Thanks to Allah for the time being..xyahlah bwk anak2 kite gi shopping complex or crowded places... biar duduk jer kt umah tuh... aku pn nk g makan luar pn pk 2-3 kali.... anak2 aku hanya duk kat umah jer.... nk gi Mesra Mall yg 5 minit jer dr umah aku nih pn... xberani gak... biarlah dl....once everything dah stable... br pk ler nk gi situ ker sini... semoga kite semua diselamatkan dari bala ini.. next entry nnt aku kongsikan... doa utk melawan penyakit berjangkit.. sama2 kite doa moga kite terlepas dr bala ini...aminnn... |
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
bukak 2yahoo mail.. tgk2 akak aku dh online.... n tgk2 ada msg masuk from die... GiJ0e
die dh reply msg aku tanya psl kasut clarks... hancur luluh hatiku saiz ku takde..
pastu alang2 die ada trs sambung chat ngan die... xnyempat2 suh mak aku beli tie rack.... bukan nak tanya khabar mak aku dl... mmg anak aper lah aku....
Me: kak beli tdg tie rack byk2 kak....tie rack kt Me: kaaaaaaaaaakkkkk GiJ0e Me: ok...ok...esok pkl berapo...? GiJ0e Me: lepas kijo pkl 5...tgk hs papa sbb hs die waktu mesia kat umah pn online kt sini pn online GiJ0e Me: GiJ0e Me: pkl 2 tengahari lah... GiJ0e Me: 2 pm GiJ0e Me: ok..ok..mlm nih pkl 9 mlm mesia deh... GiJ0e Me: ok..gilah tido... GiJ0e Me: kim salam ko mama n papa..... GiJ0e Me: huhuhuhuhu...tak GiJ0e Me: hahahahahaahhaah GiJ0e Me: ok..mlm nih pulak... |
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Tolonglah online YM tuh...
busynyer parents aku bercuti... parents aku xtepon2 pun pas gi UK aituh.... akak aku yg kat sana pn xde nak bukak YM ker aper... yg aku tau ari rab last week dieorg gi Germany for 5 days.. by right mmg dh sampai UK blk lah.... tp spi skang aku tgk still lg status offline akak aku tuh... xreti2 nk online YM ker...?? kebiasaan aku everyday aku akan tepon mak aku... nih dh makan minggu xleh tepon nih xbestlah jgk... to my akak ku, shawaleeny... 'tolonglah online YM tuh jika anda dh spi ke rumah anda tuh yer... adikmu nih nak berckp ngan bonda nyer sbb nk bertanya khabar ayahnada dan bonda di sana...' tolonnnggggglah yerrr.... |
Monday, August 3, 2009
Zhulian 50% discount...
ada yg tanya kenapa aku let go zhulian spi 50% discount... bukan sbb ada defect ape2.. sume are in good condition... dl aku ada invest tuk msk zhulian nih.. so seape yg ahli zhulian tau yg kite kene invest beli beg brg kemas beserta brg kemas tuh.... sbb aku dh xactive n aku tgk byk lg brg dlm beg tuh... dr rugi byk lg baik ler aku jual ngan harga 50% discount... at least aku dpt gak duit tuh wpn rugi... baik ada dr takde kan.... nk jual ngan harga yg tertera kt tag tuh.. rs cam xberbaloi sbb ada ker yg nk beli... nak aku jaja beg tuh tunjuk kt org..?? xdelah aku nak buat... so the best things aku rs..jual jerler pd harga discount... at least ada yg beli jgk dr terperap dlm beg jer kan... so itulah kisah sbnrnyer... sesape yg berminat leh email aku ek... raya nk dekat buleh pki buat melaram tuk raya nnt... |
Hifzza and Hafsya...
every morning sblm gi keje... mst bwk hafsya jalan2 kt depan umah.. so layankan pic hifzza n hafsya every morning.... * this entry being published by email.. so tak taulah mcm mn kedudukan pic tuh nnt... taram saje lah yer... |
Going to KL...
hmmmm....i'll be going to KL this Aug... tingin nak jumpe rakan2 blogger... i'll be in KL on 10th Aug till 14th Aug.. sbb nak attend 10th Asian Conference on Analytical Sciences kat PWTC.... is there anyone here yg akan attend that same conference...?? kl ada leh kite jumpe tuk merapatkan ukhwah.... bestnyer kl dpt jumpe2 kan... |
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Udang besar....
the reason is nk cop passport my maid sbb fomema tak lepas lg...
disbbkan temporary visa die lg 2-3 ari nk abis dh...
so kene extend lg sementara nk tgg nk result fomema tuh...
kt imigresen ada kolam ikan...
xdelah besar mn pn...
cukuplah utk org buang puntung rokok/sweet wrapper/jajan nyer wrapper dlm kolam tuh...
but anyhow, aku xleh buat ape2...
just membebel jer kt asben aku...
xpsl2 asben aku kene bebel...
mmg pompuan...pompuan....
ok back to the story....
so nak ajarler life sciences kt hifzza nih...
ajak ler die tgk haiwan2 kt dlm kolam tuh...
ibu : hifzza...come here...tgk nih...
hifzza : mn...?? mn..??
ibu : tgk aper ada dlm nih...??
hifzza : waaahhh....besarnyer udam (udang)...!!!
ibu : haa..??
kesian kt haiwan tuh disalah tafsirkan...
inilah 'udang' yg dikatakan oleh hifzza tuh...
disbbkan anda ada janggut..
anda telah dislahtafsirkan from keli to udang....
eh, tp tuh keli kan...??
Udang besar....
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Dah kene blocked...
bagus...bagus.. aku suka langkah yg diambil oleh company aku... langkah aper..?? langkah 'BLOCKED BLOGSPOT'.... pergghhh....sgtlah effective.... efficient n teerrbbbaaaaiiikkkk......!!! ok, think +ve... mgkn dengan ke'block'kan ini... insyaAllah rezki yg didapati akan lebih berkat lg... sbb dah xleh bc blog lg time opis hour..... huhuhuhu....sodihnyer... opppsss....focus..focus.. think +ve...think +ve.... full stop...... |
Sunday, July 26, 2009
ari nih saja aku dh dgr 2 kematian... 1 from our film industry... another one is our company staff... alfatihah ke atas arwah.... terkedu sume ada... itulah mati mmg tak mengenal usia... kl dh spi msnyer... ianya takkan terlewat wpn sesaat.... jgn dipersoalkan mengapa dan kenapa terjadinyer sesuatu kematian.. kerana sumenyer sudah tertulis.... ambil lah iktibar... bertaubatlah sblm terlambat.... semoga aku sentiasa mengingati akan kematian... dn berusaha utk menambahkan amal kebaikan dan memperbaiki diri... amin..... p/s : ini aku jdkan penringatan tuk diri sendiri dan kepada semua sahabat yg lain... |
Friday, July 24, 2009
Selamat Hari Raya...
selamat hari raya kepada semua...!!!
sbb aku dh abis ganti pose...!!!
syukur alhamdulillah...
dh nak start pose blk br aku terhegeh2 nk ganti pose...
disbbkan smlm pose last aku ganti..
aku telah msk lain dr yg lain....
nak tau ape...??
tgg next entrylah ek...
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Nak beli ape di sana...
parents aku nk gi UK end of this month..... ape bende yg aku nak beli kt sana ek...?? beli bj raya tuk 2H tuh pn ok gak kan... skang nih summer..mst byk sale... bestnyer.... beli bj raya tuk asben aku pn ok gak... tp bj raya tuk mak mcm mn...?? xkan nk beli blouse buat raya...?? takpe for mak special case... so kite beli bj tuk jalan2... huhuhuhu..bestnyer!!!! oklah nk surf jap.. nk tgk fesyen yg cantik2... p/s : ada sesape nk kirim ker..?? |
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
dah taip2 panjang... skali salah emel add.... sile amik perhatian saya buat entry and send thru emel... dhler emel yahoo nih... mn nak ada sent item... sudahnyer.... dh malas nk taip lg... tgg mood dtg nnt... |
Monday, July 20, 2009
Di suatu tengahari...
almaklumlah dulu2 payah nak masak..
skang dh ada maid...
boleh dh lah masak...
br anak 2 dh sibuk nak ada maid..
tp aku cukup kagum dgn sesape yg xde maid ngan anak ramai lg..
leh manage sume house chores...
mmg tabik spring...
ok berbalik pd citer asal....
tgh2 duk makan...
hifzza mencelah..
hifzza : ibu nak mushroom...
aku dh pelik....
aku ada msk mushroom ker..??
tgk2 dlm pinggan mmg xde mushroom pn...
hifzza : ibu nak mushroom tuh...
aku : mana...?? mn ada mushroom...
sbb lambat sgt tgg ibu die nih amik mushroom..
last2 hifzza amik sendiri mushroom tuh dlm pinggan...
hifzza : nih mushroom..!!!
aku terkedu...
sbb taukah anda sume ape kah mushroom yg hifzza sebut tuh..
itu adalah petai...!!!
aku msk sambal ikan bilis ngan petai...
sudahnye petai tuh hifzza ckp mushroom...
hifzza : ibu nak mushrom lg...
takpelah hifzza...mushroom pn mushroom lah..
yg penting nyer kecik2 dh pandai makan ulam ulaman...
sejuk perut ibu mengandung...
errmm...ada kene mengena ker anak makan petai boleh sejuk perut ibu mengandung..??
ape2 jerlah yer...
yg penting...anak aku suka makan petai or bahasa omputihnyer mushroom....
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Takde bende nak citer...
lama aku menyepi... bukan sbb dl xde maid... so sume bende kene buat sendiri.... nak jaga anak lg...nk kemas umah lg... mmg aku betul2 xde ms... pastu kene lak ngan hafsya yg tgh membesar n keje nk main jer... so baiklah aku layan die lagi n tgk die membesar.... skang aku dh ada maid... alhamdulillah so far maid aku ok.... br jer spi xsampai sebulan pn... idup pn rs tenang dh skit sbb dh ada maid... blk umah tgk umah dh bersih... ari2 msk tuk suami tercinta... kl dulu nak masak mmg bercinta ler.... semoga hidup ini sentiasa dipermudahkan olehNya.... p/s : rs2 mcm nk aktif berblogging blk.... |
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
cume last 2 weeks dpt maid..
maid from indon...
after 3 months aku tgg maid tuh...
akhirnyer tanggal 26/6..maid ku dr jawa spi ke rumah ini....
so far alhamdulillah ok...
cume ms 1st die spi...hafsya punyerlah ngamuk2 xnak kat die..
1 mgg lebih amik ms..
now nih nampak ok skit...
mcm biasa aku amik langkah berjaga2 ngan maid nih...
walau sebaik mn pn dieorg nih...
xleh 100% percaya...
percaya atau tak...
aku xajar maid aku tgk tv...
xajar pn mcm mn nk bukak astro tuh...
mls nk ajar2 satgi die akan pandai2 nk bukak2 channel2 lain...
and by 9pm dh msk tido...
bosan.... benci... menyampah... sume ada.... rs mcm nak..... sabar jerlah... pressure br skit... yg penting senyap2 sudah dan buat keje sendiri.... |
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Menunggu ketibaan...
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
The biggest loser....
aku pulun tgk tv abis abisan..bukak2 Hallmark channel..
tertgk cite psl 'The biggest loser'....
huuuiiiihhh...meleleh wa cakap lu...
mmg meleleh mmg bernanah....
oppppsss....sarimah lah plak kan....
xde maknanyer aku nk meleleh2 tgk AF7...
tp kl tang bab bernanah tuh yer...
mmg bernanah aku tgk AF7 tuh...
tp serius mmg aku menangis meleleh2 tgk cite tuh...
tgk semangat n ketabahan dieorg nk kurus...
n end up mmg dieorg kurus gile.....
kagum aku...
kl lah malaysia tiru program mcm tuh kan ada maknanyer jgk..
nk motivate org ke arah kehidupan yg sihat...
ini tidak asik2 menyanyi ler jgk....
bukak tv1 bintang rtm...
bukak tv2 road to hollywood....
hollywood sgt ler kan....
bukak tv3 mentorlah pulak...!!!
bukak astro...yg tuh mmg xabih2 ngan meleleh bernanah tuh...
nsb baik bukak tv9 akademi nasyid ngan akademi al quran..
xde ler nk bernanah tinga nih....
jd kepada org g keje buat prog realiti nih...
tolong ler buat prog yg berpekdah skit...
kl dh rmi sgt penyanyi kt mesia nih....
sape yg nk dgr nyer...
alih2 ko dgr aku pnyr..
aku dgr ko pnyr...
xde maknanyer...!!!!
huuiiisss...aku nih keje nk emo jer manjang....
nk tau lebih lanjut psl prog tuh...
bukak hallmark channel..weeknights at 7pm or 8pm..
aku lupa pkl brp tp area2 waktu tuh lah...
tak pn gune jer pak google tuh yer...
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Kalau dh terrer sangat...
ada sorg budak nih... terrer sgt ler kan... siap nk menyindir2 mcm bagus... mmg ko nih cam sial lah kan.... aku buleh accept kl aku salah.... but please in a proper manner skit.... jgn main nk tembak jer.... tp aku tau level aku.... and i know your level too..... we are not in the same level.... so i have to be professional...not to react like what u've done.... so please look at yourself 1st.... please kaji skit dlm2 why u keep on being rejected... even tough u nih pandai n terrer nk mampus..... tp keep on being rejected by other people.... why..?? why...?? and why..??? that's because of your attidue..!!!!!! people will not take u as their s***** if your attidue tu keje nk tunjuk pandai semata n do not respect other people...... so please ok... in future think about that if u think u want to be in a higher level..... entry luahan perasan dr aku sbb ada sorg budak berlagak pandai.... ptuuiiiihhhh...ler ko.... |
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Pecah rumah...
kt Paka skang byk sgt kejadian pecah rumah berlaku... yg masuknyer geng parang.... org indonesia... modus operandi sume sama... msk dlm kul 2-3 pg... time org tgh nyenyak tido.. cara dieorg masuk lak dgn potong grill depan umah.... 2 org msk dlm umah...2 org lg tgg kt luar... mmg menakutkan.... satu mlm tuh aku tido lewat skitlah.... sbb dgn niat nk jg kul 2-3 pg... buat2 psg lampu ker ape ker.... konon2 ada ler org kt umah... tetiba aku terjaga pkl 2.30pg... dgr bunyi cam org tgh potong grill depan umah.... terus aku kejut asben aku.... aku : abg...abg bgn..bgn..!!! asben : (tgh mamai....xtau ape bende..) aku : ada org tgh bukak pintu grill kite... asben aku trs melompat bgn.. tp die still mamai n xleh nk berpk sgt... tau jer lah kan....pkl 2am kan watu puncak kite nih tido lena.... aku xtgg lama trs on kan alarm kete biru.... dgn harapan penjahat tuh terkejut n lari..... 'weooo...weoooo...weeooo....weeoooo....' mmg memecah keheningan mlm yg sunyi tuh lah... tp bunyi org ptg grill umah tuh still bunyi lgk... aku nyer takut toksah ckplah... dlm ati smpt gak terdetik... 'knp degil sgt penjahat nih.. dh dgr bunyi alarm pn still xnak lari lg... mst penjenayah tekad nih.....' asben aku trs gi depan... aku tgk asben aku melenggang xbwk parang ker penyapu ker sbg alat pertahanan diri.. aku tgk tuh trs bunyikan lg alarm kete.... lg skali alarm kete aku memecah keheningan malam..... pastu tgk2 kt pintu dpn xde ape2 pn... tp still lg bunyi org ptg grill ada... aku pn tercari2.... bunyi ape bende sbnrnyer nih.... tgk pintu blkg pn mmg xde ape2.... cari pnyr cari.... last2 rupenyer bunyi si hifzza berdengkur.... trs gelak besar kiteorg.... bunyi dengkur die sebijik cam bnyi org ptg grill.... sabo jerlah aku ngan hifzza.... tp mmg lawak betul aku rs mlm tuh... aku ada rekod bunyi dengkur die tuh... tp nnt2lah aku upload.... |