title ntah ape2...ada ker perkataan english annoyer... takpe belasah jerlah.... i hate people yg anoyying.... hiiiihhhhh....rs cam nak sepak2 n bagi penampar jer... just know i asked 1 of my colleague about this 1 instrument yg aku xtau haram jadah mn tempatnyer.... aku : annoyyer, (hahah....buleh tak ganti nama sbg annoyyer) mn letaknyer bende alah nih annoyyer : haaiii....tak tahu ker...?? cube ler tgk dlm blk electrical rsnyer kt situ ler tptnyer....(dgn gelak yg cam...eeeiiii...mmg irritate abislah...) aku : damn u...eeiii..annoying nyer!!!! (dlm ati jerlah).. without even say thank u, aku terus blah... n i keep on hearing that die cam duk borak2 kt situ... *aaaiiii.....ch****t pn xtau ker kat mn bende tuh...??* damn it...!!! yer...sile jadikan saya bahan untuk gelak... i'm asking dgn polite n lemah lembut gemalai.... n why u are answering my question in such an irritating way...!!! yess...i admit ler some of the things aku xtau kt mn letaknyer.... so aku tanyalah....when i'm asking this is also part of learning... tp bile dijwb dgn cara yg betul2 irritating nih mmg bikin ati panaslah.... xleh ker jwb elok2.... aaiiiihhh...sakit ati dibuatnyer.... sabar jerlah....nsb baik bulan pose... |
No one is ever born into Life alone. Everyone has shared the bond of family, at least at birth, and for many people it is a bond that will follow them throughout life. For many people it is the most important bond of all. This is a story of my beautiful life...
Leaderboard Nuffnang
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
U are an annoyerr....
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1 comment:
uittss.. byk2 bersabar k.. bulan pose ni..
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