Leaderboard Nuffnang

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Mspa Contest...

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Hafiey dh jadi one of the contestant for Relax, Refresh and Rejuvenate in order for her to win this Camara B130.

This spa pool sebenarnyer sgt berguna untuk Hafiey melakukan hydrotheraphy at home. Selama nih Hafiey mandi dlm pool yg kecik nih n gune pulak air sejuk. For Hafiey it is best to use air suam so that anggota badan die tak kejang.

sorry Hafiey seksi skit..

This is how Hafiey is doing the hydrotheraphy at home. Kalau ada rezki untuk menang nih, insyaAllah the hydrotheraphy session would be done much better and Hafiey can further improve on her development.

Dapatlah kirenye kawan2 like pic Hafiey untuk Hafiey memenangi spa pool ini.

Cara2 untuk like pic Hafiey.

1) “LIKE” Mspa malaysia page

2) 2) “LIKE” pic Hafiey https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=505539116143574&set=a.505206552843497.116688.494198413944311&type=3&theater

kalau tak keberatan boleh share juga di FB....


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