Leaderboard Nuffnang

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Kalau dh terrer sangat...

ada sorg budak nih...
terrer sgt ler kan...
siap nk menyindir2 mcm bagus...
mmg ko nih cam sial lah kan....

aku buleh accept kl aku salah....
but please in a proper manner skit....
jgn main nk tembak jer....

tp aku tau level aku....
and i know your level too.....
we are not in the same level....
so i have to be professional...not to react like what u've done....

so please look at yourself 1st....
please kaji skit dlm2 why u keep on being rejected...
even tough u nih pandai n terrer nk mampus.....
tp keep on being rejected by other people....
why..?? why...?? and why..???
that's because of your attidue..!!!!!!

people will not take u as their s***** if your attidue tu keje nk tunjuk pandai semata n do not respect other people......
so please ok...
in future think about that if u think u want to be in a higher level.....

entry luahan perasan dr aku sbb ada sorg budak berlagak pandai....
ptuuiiiihhhh...ler ko....


@tune® said...

sabar pa..
entry ko ni sik xpuas ati jer...

sabar ye..

TuYa said...

salam jenguk2..ape kes nih..
macam best je n3 tu..hehehe
pe2 pun saba eh..biasa la manusia yang perasan bagus tapi x bgus mmg ramai..

~Eila Nur Kaseh~ said...

biasala tu shafa..ade org ingat die je yg pandai handle sumer bende...sabar je laa

arifhayati said...

mung ni hangin ko sapo?

~ Lady ell ~ said...

uih..angin ribut taufan ko sampai kesini shafa oi...rilex2..

Shemmi said...

huhu....jgn ribut2 mbak..
mbak laginya ngak manis jika ribut2..

chill out!

eLLy said...

opssss.. Panasss!!!

cool beb... & tak care ;)

CuTeMiUt78 said...

salam shafa, lama tak jenguk sini.. tetiba n3 hari ni luahan ko tak puas hati.. sabo ya fa, biasa la kan budak klu berlagak pandai memang cam tu.. perasan dia bagus sgt

Umie said...

Pa...ape kata ko bagi surat layang kat budak tuh...kekeke

who i am? said...



jgn marah2 yer...

sabar2...org pandai sgt mmg camtuh...susah nk terime pendapat org lain...


Y u Z z 9071 said...

sapa tuuu ye.

sabo sabo

yurn said...

uiks.. tensen kat opis kah?

♥maziah♥ said...

uishhh marah nye die..

sabar ye..die xde kesedaran sivik kot..