Leaderboard Nuffnang

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sekolah Terbaik Malaysia...

bangganyer rs sbb SK Zainab 2 diangkat antara sekolah terbaik di malaysia...
mcm tak sangka sbb dl SK Zainab 1 yg buleh dikira memegang takhta sek terbaik di kelantan...

tp zaman dh berubah....
tetiba jer terasa spt nak antar hifzza gi sek keb zainab 2...
nak cubelah....
marilah kite meneruskan tradisi kaum kerabat cikgu Mahmud...
dr anak2 perempuan nyer ke cucunyer ke SK Zainab 2...

I'm proud to be one of SK Zainab 2 student!!!


attyfir said...

kty anak2 mmg sek yg sama ngn kty dulu .hehehe ..

Dee said...

bestnya..dee je x antar anak gi sekolah dee dulu..transport susah..huhuhu..

eLLy said...

wah sekolah turun kemurun nie

Anonymous said...

Good day, sun shines!
There have been times of hardship when I felt unhappy missing knowledge about opportunities of getting high yields on investments. I was a dump and downright pessimistic person.
I have never imagined that there weren't any need in large starting capital.
Nowadays, I feel good, I begin take up real money.
It gets down to select a correct partner who uses your money in a right way - that is incorporate it in real business, and shares the profit with me.

You can ask, if there are such firms? I have to tell the truth, YES, there are. Please get to know about one of them:
http://theinvestblog.com [url=http://theinvestblog.com]Online Investment Blog[/url]

kuchalana said...

ya.. hope smua alumni akan membantu menaikan lagi nama skolah... hu2..


Anonymous said...
