Leaderboard Nuffnang

Monday, November 28, 2011


Xpaham aku...
Salah sendiri tetiba xnk ngaku plk...
Nk cr psl lr tuh...

Friday, October 28, 2011


FAT yg bosan....
Vendor buat keje sorg2...bosan teramat...
Dhlh plan nk blk awal ari nih...

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My Cambodian Maid.....

ada maid susah...xde maid pn susah kan...
ada maid susah biler die buat perangai....
tp kalau xde maid susah jgk bile sume kerja rumah terbengkalai...

aku cukup salute kat working mum yg ada anak 3-4....
tp of course anak kene keciklah2 kan...
kl yg dh besar mostly kite dh buleh suruh dieorg tolong kite sedikit sebanyak...
working mom yg able to cope ngan kerja rumah after blk kerja....

as of me aku ada maid jgk...
sbb anak dh 3...n kene plak anak still kecik2...
aku pki cambodian maid....
aku amik dh nk 10 bln...
so far ok...cume ada here n there yg kite buleh pejam mata...
sbb what do u expect kan sbb maid nih pn human being jgk...
ada perasaan ape sume...

kdg2 aku pk maybe i'm too harsh on her...or too high expectation....
ntahlah...mgkn aku yg kene berubah kot..have to slow down a bit...
sbb pk die pn human being jgk....

kesian maid aku......cume i just can't tolerate kl ia melibatkan my daughter...
iyelah blk rumah my daughter tetiba report maid pukul...
xker naik angin dibuatnyer....
tp xdelah nk marah membabi buta....
kene investigate...betul ker tak dl...
kdg2 salah anak kite jgk...
alangkan kite pn kdg2 xtahan ngan perangai anak sendiri...ini kan plak org lain....

i just hope my maid yg skang nih xbuat perangai n everything....
moga2 Allah lindungi kami sekeuarga dr perkara2 yg tak diingini...

p/s : rs mcm bersalah kt maid ari nih....sbb nyer membebel kt die pg nih sbb paksa anak aku tido......anak aku yg sulung mmg jenis xsuka tido ptg...

Friday, June 10, 2011

Sensitif sgt....

Bosanlh ngan perangai yg sensitif benor nih....
Skit2 keje nk nangis jer...
Bosan gilerrr...
Mcm mn nk kurangkn penyakit sensitif nih ek?.....

Mode:bosan ngn diri sendiri...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Wan Hafiey....

dh selamat berpantang 44 ari...
hafiey pn dh bulat....
ramai yg salah anggap hafiey nih nama boy...
tp kalau ikut maksud hafiey = yang lembut..
i believe its more suit this name to a girl name...

at 1st nk ltk hayfa...suka sgt nama hayfa...
tp bile tgk maksud hayfa = prempuan yg genit..
tp bile tgk member aku ltk nama hayfa...
die ckp maksud hayfa = lembut suaranyer....
wutevalah sbb nama pn daftar...nak tukar kang ada yg kene angkat sumpah...

apehal blogger nih xleh nk pload pic...
lembap btl...dh upload kuar lak security error...
ntah ape2...next time lh upload pic hafiey..

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


hari nih rs happy...
sbb suke bc blog this person n suka on the good news...
wpn aku just her silent reader....
tp bile bc citer mcm nih tetiba aku rs happy for her...

n kdg2 aku nk marah jgk kt blogger2 lain nih...
follower pnyer ramai 1000+...
tp updatenyer sebulan ada skali....
iyerlah aku suka bc blog die...
tp kl xde update tuh xbestlah....
so kdg2 tuh mcm try luck lak bukak blog..
eh, ada update tak ari nih..??
skali xde...keciwa sungguh....

blog nih xde yg bc xupdate pn xpe....
nk dpt unik visiotr 20 sehari pn bercinta....hehehe....
nntlah nk antar email kt famous blogger2 kt blogsphere nih suh update...
jgn biar reader tertgg the update...

p/s : aduiihh...still lg rs happy for her....congrates...wpn die xtau pn aku nih sape...

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Dah berubah....

minggu lepas bukak blogger lain...
mgg nih bukak blogger...lain trs...
dh mcm rupa blog plak...
igtkan dh aa org hack blog aku....

nih gaya 2-3 ari xbukak blog...
kl setahun xbukak blog ntah ape jd ler...

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Rumah untuk di sewa Setia Alam...

THIS IS NO MORE A STICKY POST ENTRY (new entry mcm biasa kt bwh ler)

kat sini aku nk iklan kan psl rumah aku kat setia alam utk di sewa....

tenant yg skang dh nak pindah bulan May 2011...
so by June 2011 rumah aku kt setia alam tuh kosong....
jd sape2 yg berminat nk sewa..
leh contact or email aku kt :

shafareeny@yahoo.com or wan_hamdan@yahoo.com

ini rumahnyer....

Type : 2 storey terrace

Location : Intermediate lot (bersebelahan ngan end lot unit)

Bedroom : 4

bathroom : 3

Facilities : Business Centre (bank sume ada kt setia alam tuh), Cafeteria, Jogging Track, Mini Market, Nursery, Playground, Salon, 24hr Security, TESCO, dekat ngan sek (tp msh dlm pembinaan akan dibuka pd thn 2011)

Features : comes with built-in security alarm system connected to a local CMS

Easy acces to NKVE - Setia Alam link

24 hr security (ada guard post kat each entrance nk masuk taman tuh)

kl ada yg berminat leh hubungi aku yer....

btw, sewa adalah RM1000 but negotiable....

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Aziz CFP....

rami yg masuk blog aku thru search aziz cfp...
xpelah since ramai yg nak tau psl aziz cfp...
i just share jer ape yg kiteorg laki bini dh buat for almost a 1 year plus....

so far ape yg buleh ckp...
ada saving...tak byk tp adalah....
tp rmi member aku gitau yg pnh buat ngan aziz dieorg kata fee dh naik...
xtaulah sbb dieorg buat dl dr aku...

kiteorg nyer stage dh nk msk CMS 2...
pttnyer by this month asben aku dh msg Kak Lin tuk set the appt...
tp ntah asben aku xmsg pn....
lgpn aku rs sbb ape yg aziz mtk kiteorg buat ms last appt kiteorg xbuat lg...

ms CMS 1...die suh kiteorg buat :

1. refinance umah
2. apply ready card citibank...

satu pn kiteorg xbuat lg...yg refinance umah tuh tgh confuse either nk refinace or nak jual..
bank dh kuarkan letter for refinance...tp kiteorg tgh berkire2 lg....
yg citibank tu...borg amik tp xisi...

utk CMS 2 nih aziz akan ajar cara nk generate wealth tuh from duit refinance tuh kot...

kl gune khidmat aziz nih yg penting kene disiplin...
kl xde disiplin...tgk duit byk asik nak guna xleh jgk...
buat rugi duit jer byr fee....
yg penting tepuk dada tanya seleralah...

p/s : sesape nak buat kene tahan telinga ngan aziz n kuncu2nyer sbb dieorg laser giler....ttp yg last bebaru nih aku gi gile baik dieorg...mgkn dieorg dh blajar kot psl appreciate the client...

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Our new bundle of Joy......

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Kerja punya hal....

aku cukup tension lah kalau keje sendiri tak buat tp sibuk ngan keje org lain....
ape ke heknyer...!!!

sibuk ngan keje org lain xpe...nih mslhnyer sibuk ngan keje aku...
aku ckp pantang org dtg nak sibuk2 buat

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Avent bottle leaking....

skang nih rs menyesal pakai botol susu Avent...
sbb mslhnyer dr dulu spi skang...asyik leaking jer....

anyone know how to prevent this leaking nih...??
asben aku dh fed up spikan ckp...'lepas nih jgn beli bottle susu Avent lagi...!!'
tp mmg betul pn sian si hafsya nak minum susu jer asyik tumpah jer manjang...

try gak google to find the solution...
tp xcube lg tgg blk umah nnt br nak cube....

A msg to Philips/Avent :

u should try to look into this matter seriously as i believe not only myself complaining about this bottle leaking but many moms out there is also facng the same problem...go and google yourself...don't just google it but might as well improve it!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I'm a Smart Reader Kids....

pic 2H pepagi nak gi sekolah....
Hifzza dah 6 tahun...si Hafsya 3 tahun....
hantar jerlah si hafsya tuh wpn br 3 tahun dr die duk umah xbuat ape2...

hifzza kurus jer...
hafsya gemuk skit...mak aku ckp cam budak jepun cume gelap ler...
budak jepun kan putih2...

xpelah yg penting sihat....
belajar rajin2 yer my 2H....

p/s : tgh debar2 tunggu the 3rd H on March nih....doakan sume selamat yer...