aku rs nk buat game ler...
game kaitan ngan blog...
cam who is the 300 visitors ker...
who is the 1st comment...
and who is the last comment...
syarat2 game nih :
1. my own family takleh join..(especially my asben...kang satgi die yg menang plak..)
2. if aku minta the 300 visitors...must attach the print screen for proof ler..and emel it to me
*xde bukti, kemenangan tidak akan diambil kire...heheheh
3. adiahnyer...jeng..jeng...jeng..adalah...hehe..it won't be so expensive..but it's okay ler...
so the game is :
WHO WILL BE THE 303 VISITORS? (refer to the counter..)
please emel ur proof to shafareeny@yahoo.com
Gud Luck!!
No one is ever born into Life alone. Everyone has shared the bond of family, at least at birth, and for many people it is a bond that will follow them throughout life. For many people it is the most important bond of all. This is a story of my beautiful life...
Leaderboard Nuffnang
Monday, June 30, 2008
Sunday, June 29, 2008
lamanyer tak update...
nothing much nk update pn...
cume sejak 2 menjak asik serabut kepala otak jer...
xtau ler kenapa...blk umah jd rs cam tension...
btw, hafsya dmm lagik..*sigh*
trs penin kepala....sbb die kan baby lgk...
semlm bgn kul 4am..check temperature hafsya 38oC...
pastu hifzza ikut bgn sekali...pastu ikut ayah die buat susu...
tgk2 msk bilik bwk roti..lapar die...sian jer tgk die mkn roti di tgh2 pg buta tuh...
pas bg susu n mkn ubat hafsya n aku pn tido..
asben layan tgk tv sbb die dh xngantuk...
pastu aku mimpi...gilenyer mimpi...
aku mimpi hafsya besar jari kelingking...
camner aku nk pgg die asik jth jer die...risau gile time die jth...
trs terpk mcm mn hafsya blh jdk kecik mcm tuh...
pastu kan asik ler tercicir hafsya nih...bgi nk gile aku crk die...
pastu tiba2...jd sesuatu kt hafsya....xnk aku sebut kt sini...
trs terjg...tgk2 mimpi...alhamdulillah sgt2...
trs aku bgn cium2 hafsya tuh...kebetulan time tuh dh pn pkl 6...
mmg aku mimpi ngarut2 jer skang nih...
ker aku risau sgt kt hafsya n aku byk sgt pk psl maid n etc...
biasa yg buat aku pressure nih maid aku ler...
btw, aku dh antar maid aku blk kg...teman mak aku...
biarlah die duk situ dr duk ngan aku duk sakit ati...
cume sejak 2 menjak asik serabut kepala otak jer...
xtau ler kenapa...blk umah jd rs cam tension...
btw, hafsya dmm lagik..*sigh*
trs penin kepala....sbb die kan baby lgk...
semlm bgn kul 4am..check temperature hafsya 38oC...
pastu hifzza ikut bgn sekali...pastu ikut ayah die buat susu...
tgk2 msk bilik bwk roti..lapar die...sian jer tgk die mkn roti di tgh2 pg buta tuh...
pas bg susu n mkn ubat hafsya n aku pn tido..
asben layan tgk tv sbb die dh xngantuk...
pastu aku mimpi...gilenyer mimpi...
aku mimpi hafsya besar jari kelingking...
camner aku nk pgg die asik jth jer die...risau gile time die jth...
trs terpk mcm mn hafsya blh jdk kecik mcm tuh...
pastu kan asik ler tercicir hafsya nih...bgi nk gile aku crk die...
pastu tiba2...jd sesuatu kt hafsya....xnk aku sebut kt sini...
trs terjg...tgk2 mimpi...alhamdulillah sgt2...
trs aku bgn cium2 hafsya tuh...kebetulan time tuh dh pn pkl 6...
mmg aku mimpi ngarut2 jer skang nih...
ker aku risau sgt kt hafsya n aku byk sgt pk psl maid n etc...
biasa yg buat aku pressure nih maid aku ler...
btw, aku dh antar maid aku blk kg...teman mak aku...
biarlah die duk situ dr duk ngan aku duk sakit ati...
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Dah start keje...
ari nih aku dh start keje...
bosan gak sbb keje aku mmg takde keje...hehehe
td antar 2H ke nursery...sian Hifzza...jerit2 pggl nak ibu..nak ibu
pastu td aku tepon nursery..die tido kt luar...mkn pn xnak...
tp minum susu dh 3 botol....ms tgh ckp ngan caretaker (iyer ker nih..belasah lah)...
nk menitis air mata...sbb sedih die tak penah duk ngan org lain...
except parents die n maid aku...
btw, hampehnyer nyer PSH...
silap tulis akunyer maternity leave...
aku bersalin 26/4...pastu mc for 60 days die gi tulis 24/6...
bile aku nk isi borang cuti maternity kt opis...kuar system 57 days...
kurang asam...pttnyer aku keje next week...
xyahlah aku nk sibuk2 apply cuti tuk 2 ari......
cesss...hangen jer aku rs time tuh....tp sbb aku mmg amik mc 2 ari b4 bersalin...
so mc tuh ditukar msk maternity leave...jd aku takde mc lah...
alah kl aku amik mc takde effect performance pn...
that's the beauty of tpt keje aku nih...
MC entitled for 22 days...nk amik mc 22 ari pn blh...
yg ptg KPI ko sume meet...
nk blk cepat2 ari nih......pastu nk bwk 2H gi Mc D...
Mc D jerler..dh itu jer yg ada kt bandar nih...huhuhu
bosan gak sbb keje aku mmg takde keje...hehehe
td antar 2H ke nursery...sian Hifzza...jerit2 pggl nak ibu..nak ibu
pastu td aku tepon nursery..die tido kt luar...mkn pn xnak...
tp minum susu dh 3 botol....ms tgh ckp ngan caretaker (iyer ker nih..belasah lah)...
nk menitis air mata...sbb sedih die tak penah duk ngan org lain...
except parents die n maid aku...
btw, hampehnyer nyer PSH...
silap tulis akunyer maternity leave...
aku bersalin 26/4...pastu mc for 60 days die gi tulis 24/6...
bile aku nk isi borang cuti maternity kt opis...kuar system 57 days...
kurang asam...pttnyer aku keje next week...
xyahlah aku nk sibuk2 apply cuti tuk 2 ari......
cesss...hangen jer aku rs time tuh....tp sbb aku mmg amik mc 2 ari b4 bersalin...
so mc tuh ditukar msk maternity leave...jd aku takde mc lah...
alah kl aku amik mc takde effect performance pn...
that's the beauty of tpt keje aku nih...
MC entitled for 22 days...nk amik mc 22 ari pn blh...
yg ptg KPI ko sume meet...
nk blk cepat2 ari nih......pastu nk bwk 2H gi Mc D...
Mc D jerler..dh itu jer yg ada kt bandar nih...huhuhu
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
i'm off to KSH...
ok..nk pi mandi...
ari nih nk pi Kuantan Specialist Hospital inject Hafsya n Hifzza..
spi Kuantan nk inject...terpaksalah sbb kt sini xde...
pastu nk gi Fomema...
blk nnt aku update kl aku larat....
ari nih nk pi Kuantan Specialist Hospital inject Hafsya n Hifzza..
spi Kuantan nk inject...terpaksalah sbb kt sini xde...
pastu nk gi Fomema...
blk nnt aku update kl aku larat....
bongek...bongek...dan bongek...
trs sakit jiwa raga...ape ker b****p sgt aku nyer maid nih...
keje asik aku nk kene bgtu jer...
air pns tak msk....pastu satgi anak2 aku nk mnm susu mcm mn...
pastu kusi xtrnkan pas mop...carpet tak hampar blk pas mop...
smlm aku suh mkn ns...die mcm merajuk sbb aku mrh die...
lantak ko lah...kuasa aku nk layan nk pujuk2...
ko dh tua...kl ko lapar ko tau ler crk sendiri....
pastu aku suh die susun bj die dlm almari dlm blk die tuh...
tp sbb ada bj aku so die kene clearkan bj aku tuh dl...
die mls kot die ckp takpelah ltk dlm beg...
suka ati ko lah aku ckp....tak nak sudah...
aku xtau selama mn aku leh berthn ngan die...
dr aku duk skt ati ngan die nih...baik aku antar jer die blk...nyusahkan aku ada ler...
btw, aku dh jmp nursery tuk hafsya...
ada 4 nursery aku tgk smlm...
1st nursery : bile msk jer...ceehhh gile kotor...mcm tuh ko nk jg bdk2...-rejected
2nd nursery : ada system...very good...tp aku yg kene reject...hampes...
3rd nursery : lawa..suasana kg...pastu die asingkan tuk baby n toddler...bersih..lg aku kene reject....huhuhuh
4th nursery : ada 10 org toddler...xde baby...dlm tuh quite ok...actually die dh xtimer...tp sb kesian kn aku die akan timer...
so aku pk mgkn aku amik yg 4th tuh...sbb hafsya sorg jer baby...
n die gitau die ada baby cot for baby jgk...
aku cube dl antar sebulan...
kl npk xok...aku antar blk kg lah hafsya nih...
trs sakit jiwa raga...ape ker b****p sgt aku nyer maid nih...
keje asik aku nk kene bgtu jer...
air pns tak msk....pastu satgi anak2 aku nk mnm susu mcm mn...
pastu kusi xtrnkan pas mop...carpet tak hampar blk pas mop...
smlm aku suh mkn ns...die mcm merajuk sbb aku mrh die...
lantak ko lah...kuasa aku nk layan nk pujuk2...
ko dh tua...kl ko lapar ko tau ler crk sendiri....
pastu aku suh die susun bj die dlm almari dlm blk die tuh...
tp sbb ada bj aku so die kene clearkan bj aku tuh dl...
die mls kot die ckp takpelah ltk dlm beg...
suka ati ko lah aku ckp....tak nak sudah...
aku xtau selama mn aku leh berthn ngan die...
dr aku duk skt ati ngan die nih...baik aku antar jer die blk...nyusahkan aku ada ler...
btw, aku dh jmp nursery tuk hafsya...
ada 4 nursery aku tgk smlm...
1st nursery : bile msk jer...ceehhh gile kotor...mcm tuh ko nk jg bdk2...-rejected
2nd nursery : ada system...very good...tp aku yg kene reject...hampes...
3rd nursery : lawa..suasana kg...pastu die asingkan tuk baby n toddler...bersih..lg aku kene reject....huhuhuh
4th nursery : ada 10 org toddler...xde baby...dlm tuh quite ok...actually die dh xtimer...tp sb kesian kn aku die akan timer...
so aku pk mgkn aku amik yg 4th tuh...sbb hafsya sorg jer baby...
n die gitau die ada baby cot for baby jgk...
aku cube dl antar sebulan...
kl npk xok...aku antar blk kg lah hafsya nih...
pg td bgn pg pas subuh trs tak tido....
tgk maid aku yg cerdik pandai tuh...trs jd sakit ati, tension...menyampah...
pastu check emel opis...pas bc emel trs senyum hapi gilos...
rupe2nyer bln nih dpt bonus...yahooooo...!!!
makcik kayo...!!!
td cube view pay slip xdpt sbb communication error...
IT ler nih xfix prob lg...tp mst jam nk bkk payslip...
sbb ari nih sume org blh view pay slip...
tgk maid aku yg cerdik pandai tuh...trs jd sakit ati, tension...menyampah...
pastu check emel opis...pas bc emel trs senyum hapi gilos...
rupe2nyer bln nih dpt bonus...yahooooo...!!!
makcik kayo...!!!
td cube view pay slip xdpt sbb communication error...
IT ler nih xfix prob lg...tp mst jam nk bkk payslip...
sbb ari nih sume org blh view pay slip...
Friday, June 20, 2008
Nak blk Kerteh...
ari nih aku dh nk blk Kerteh stlh megabiskan masa selama 2 bln...(aku blk b4 bersalin lg)
aku ptt keje ari Rab nih...tp xtau boss bg ker tak...
mls nk check email....
bosan...bosan...kan best hidup mcm skang nih...
lepak...mkn, tido (tido xkot...sbb xsmpt) ...msk pn xpyh sbb mak aku yg msk
pastu gaji bln2 msk...
heaven rasenyer....takde nk pk psl ape...
kl nk pk pn time 2H tuh sakit..tuh jer yg pk pn...
btw, nyesal lak aku rs xikt pantang mak aku betul2 bebaru nih...
xmcm aku bersalinkn hifzza mmg aku leh maintain blk pd asal...
tp skang nih xrs best....isssshhhh...mmg beza lah time bersalin hifzza ngan hafsya dl...
tp b4 blk kerteh aku singgah umah mak mentua dl kt besut...tido 1 mlm...
ari sabtu tuh blk.....ari ahad smpt lg ms nk berehat2....tp 4 sure dh start kene msk...
rsnyer dh lupa dh camner nk msk...sbb dh lama sgt tggl...
berakhirlah episod memanjakan diri....
aku ptt keje ari Rab nih...tp xtau boss bg ker tak...
mls nk check email....
bosan...bosan...kan best hidup mcm skang nih...
lepak...mkn, tido (tido xkot...sbb xsmpt) ...msk pn xpyh sbb mak aku yg msk
pastu gaji bln2 msk...
heaven rasenyer....takde nk pk psl ape...
kl nk pk pn time 2H tuh sakit..tuh jer yg pk pn...
btw, nyesal lak aku rs xikt pantang mak aku betul2 bebaru nih...
xmcm aku bersalinkn hifzza mmg aku leh maintain blk pd asal...
tp skang nih xrs best....isssshhhh...mmg beza lah time bersalin hifzza ngan hafsya dl...
tp b4 blk kerteh aku singgah umah mak mentua dl kt besut...tido 1 mlm...
ari sabtu tuh blk.....ari ahad smpt lg ms nk berehat2....tp 4 sure dh start kene msk...
rsnyer dh lupa dh camner nk msk...sbb dh lama sgt tggl...
berakhirlah episod memanjakan diri....
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Tingin nk pi UK....
td saje2 ler survey harga tiket to London...
sbb tingin sgt nk pi sana...my parents ngan my 2 brothers tuh dh pi...
tggl yg tak pi lg kak shaba ngan aku jer....
tp tgk2 harga tiket....perghhhh...utk 1 family aku..asben, aku and 2H
tiket saje dh RM13687.00....!!!
fuuhhhhh....mahai gilo tuh namonyo...
mmg ler eden tak mampu tu....tuh br tiket flight...
ngan makan nk jalan2 lg...kurang2 nk bwk 1000 pound...
dh dicampur sume tuh...rm20k at least nk pi London for just 2 weeks...
rsnyer mmg tak merasa ler nk pi London....
akak aku kt sana dh memanggil2 tanya bile nk pi sana...
tapi tiket mst murah bile MATTA Fair bln 9 nih...
murah2 pn mau ribu raban jgk....
tgg lah aku naik jdk manager ker ape ker dl...gaji puluh ribu...
nih ngan gaji skang....mmg duk kat kargo jer ler npknyer...
sbb tingin sgt nk pi sana...my parents ngan my 2 brothers tuh dh pi...
tggl yg tak pi lg kak shaba ngan aku jer....
tp tgk2 harga tiket....perghhhh...utk 1 family aku..asben, aku and 2H
tiket saje dh RM13687.00....!!!
fuuhhhhh....mahai gilo tuh namonyo...
mmg ler eden tak mampu tu....tuh br tiket flight...
ngan makan nk jalan2 lg...kurang2 nk bwk 1000 pound...
dh dicampur sume tuh...rm20k at least nk pi London for just 2 weeks...
rsnyer mmg tak merasa ler nk pi London....
akak aku kt sana dh memanggil2 tanya bile nk pi sana...
tapi tiket mst murah bile MATTA Fair bln 9 nih...
murah2 pn mau ribu raban jgk....
tgg lah aku naik jdk manager ker ape ker dl...gaji puluh ribu...
nih ngan gaji skang....mmg duk kat kargo jer ler npknyer...
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
stress tau pk how do we should treat our maid..??
ada 1/2 pendapat ckp kene treat ngan garang...
mean bg dieorg tuh takut kt kite..
well as u all might now that maid from indon nih mcm2 perangai...
aku takut bile treat ngan garang satgi die nk marah kt kite die gi lepas kat budak2...
fuuuhhh....nauzubillah lah kan...
a lot of stories yg dh masuk telinga nih psl indon maid...
ada yg bg mkn sabun, clorox, n etc buat kt bdk yg dieorg jaga...
tp kl bg muka sgt jdk mcm maid akak aku...
dh pdi nk curi brg...blm abih lg probation period tp dh pdi curi brg...
tp kakak aku anak die dh besar dh boleh berckp....
so xrisau...anything yg maid tuh buat kt dieorg nnt dieorg leh report...
ok, 1st of all, what is the purpose of kite amik maid...
of course utk menyenangkan kite, kms umah, jg anak n etc..
which means tuk menyenangkan ati kite...
tp aku rs bende yg terjd kat aku dh sblknyer....
it's not making my life better but instead very stresssedd....
mgkn sbb aku byk sgt dgr cite psl indon maid spi i can't even trust my own maid...
it's different if compare to my 1st maid yg siam dl...
my siam maid dl...very good...
ltk ler duit kt mn pn xksh bape nilai even rm50...nnt die akan letak blk duit tuh atas meja...
n even aku nyer kotak yg aku simpan segala brg yg ada harga tuh...
simply letak jer....tp alhamdullilah takde yg hilang...
see it's very different...we really trust her...and die amik kepercayaan yg kiteorg bg kt die...
can we really trust our indon maid spi mcm tuh...i dun think so...
spi skang myself and asben terpk nk ltk both my daughter tuh kt nursery...
sbb we really2 don't have any confident at all with our own maid...
nnt mst tertanya2 why in a1st place u take indon maid...
at 1st we tot that it might be a rare case on maid yg buat hal tuh...
tp bende tuh dh bertukar bile my maid tuh dtg...
u may read my 1st story on my own maid
trs kiteorg dah tak confident with our own maid...
now it making my life miserable...it doesn't fit the purpose of taking maid kan...
so wut should we do...shoud we treat it nicely or the other wise or
should we just sent her back...please help...??
ada 1/2 pendapat ckp kene treat ngan garang...
mean bg dieorg tuh takut kt kite..
well as u all might now that maid from indon nih mcm2 perangai...
aku takut bile treat ngan garang satgi die nk marah kt kite die gi lepas kat budak2...
fuuuhhh....nauzubillah lah kan...
a lot of stories yg dh masuk telinga nih psl indon maid...
ada yg bg mkn sabun, clorox, n etc buat kt bdk yg dieorg jaga...
tp kl bg muka sgt jdk mcm maid akak aku...
dh pdi nk curi brg...blm abih lg probation period tp dh pdi curi brg...
tp kakak aku anak die dh besar dh boleh berckp....
so xrisau...anything yg maid tuh buat kt dieorg nnt dieorg leh report...
ok, 1st of all, what is the purpose of kite amik maid...
of course utk menyenangkan kite, kms umah, jg anak n etc..
which means tuk menyenangkan ati kite...
tp aku rs bende yg terjd kat aku dh sblknyer....
it's not making my life better but instead very stresssedd....
mgkn sbb aku byk sgt dgr cite psl indon maid spi i can't even trust my own maid...
it's different if compare to my 1st maid yg siam dl...
my siam maid dl...very good...
ltk ler duit kt mn pn xksh bape nilai even rm50...nnt die akan letak blk duit tuh atas meja...
n even aku nyer kotak yg aku simpan segala brg yg ada harga tuh...
simply letak jer....tp alhamdullilah takde yg hilang...
see it's very different...we really trust her...and die amik kepercayaan yg kiteorg bg kt die...
can we really trust our indon maid spi mcm tuh...i dun think so...
spi skang myself and asben terpk nk ltk both my daughter tuh kt nursery...
sbb we really2 don't have any confident at all with our own maid...
nnt mst tertanya2 why in a1st place u take indon maid...
at 1st we tot that it might be a rare case on maid yg buat hal tuh...
tp bende tuh dh bertukar bile my maid tuh dtg...
u may read my 1st story on my own maid
trs kiteorg dah tak confident with our own maid...
now it making my life miserable...it doesn't fit the purpose of taking maid kan...
so wut should we do...shoud we treat it nicely or the other wise or
should we just sent her back...please help...??
My Family...
This is my family...
this pic is taken ms raya last year...and it's 4th day of raya...
so that's why yg laki2 sume tak pki bj melayu...
sbb nyer last year 1st blk umah mentua...pastu br blk umah parents...
this year turn will be 1st umah parents kt KB then umah mentua...
hopefully this year boleh amik pic yg proper skit...ngan bj melayu n bj kurung
tema for this year is coklat...(ada npk kercoklat2nyer..nih aku ler yg pilih coklat)
this year pnyr raya theme will purple...nih kak shaba plak yg pilih...
no next year will be Mat syu nye turn, so better start surveying...hehehe
clockwise : Kak Shaba's n family (2nd in the family), my parents and my youngest brother (xkawin lg..that's why die kene amik pic sama ngan my parents, Mat Syu's family (4th in thefamily) and my own family (3rd in the family)....
btw,please take note that by this year all the 3 families had already added new member excluding my youngest brother, he is still single and available...betul ker available...??
And above pic is my eldest sister Kak Leeny and her family...
not in Malaysia...now is in UK...dh bape taun kat sana...
nih pic ms die blk cuti last last 2 years...n then we all satu family gi redang....
taktau bile ler time raya blh ada all 5 of us...
hopefully the time will come...
p/s : kak, bile nk blk mesia?
this pic is taken ms raya last year...and it's 4th day of raya...
so that's why yg laki2 sume tak pki bj melayu...
sbb nyer last year 1st blk umah mentua...pastu br blk umah parents...
this year turn will be 1st umah parents kt KB then umah mentua...
hopefully this year boleh amik pic yg proper skit...ngan bj melayu n bj kurung
tema for this year is coklat...(ada npk kercoklat2nyer..nih aku ler yg pilih coklat)
this year pnyr raya theme will purple...nih kak shaba plak yg pilih...
no next year will be Mat syu nye turn, so better start surveying...hehehe

btw,please take note that by this year all the 3 families had already added new member excluding my youngest brother, he is still single and available...betul ker available...??

not in Malaysia...now is in UK...dh bape taun kat sana...
nih pic ms die blk cuti last last 2 years...n then we all satu family gi redang....
taktau bile ler time raya blh ada all 5 of us...
hopefully the time will come...
p/s : kak, bile nk blk mesia?
hahaha..best...best...i like..i like...
br tau psl photoscape...
n semalam surf the net nk dload the photoscape...
sblm nih xtau pn...
yes, i admit..mmg buta IT n segalanyer...
what i know about IT is Microsoft Office, OPTIMAL system (fuhhh..nih mmg byk) just imagine that our work is actually paperless...so bile server down...mmg takleh buat keje...everyhting is inside the system or PC..so time nih boss pn xleh mrh sbb die pn xleh buat keje...
nnt we all kejenyer melepak di pantry sbl gossip2...heheheh
lg what i know about IT..mozilla, IE, and not to forget SIMS....
nih kl main SIMS mmg xigt dunia...
pnh skali ms tuh keje kt Kluang....dh spi umah around 12.45pm...
trs on PC layan SIMS...sedar2 dh 7.30pm...tgk penangan SIMS...
tp time tuh lampu merah sbb tuh main xigt dunia...
fuhhh...teruk kan....
so today nk try photoscape...will try update my creativity...ceeehhhh
br tau psl photoscape...
n semalam surf the net nk dload the photoscape...
sblm nih xtau pn...
yes, i admit..mmg buta IT n segalanyer...
what i know about IT is Microsoft Office, OPTIMAL system (fuhhh..nih mmg byk) just imagine that our work is actually paperless...so bile server down...mmg takleh buat keje...everyhting is inside the system or PC..so time nih boss pn xleh mrh sbb die pn xleh buat keje...
nnt we all kejenyer melepak di pantry sbl gossip2...heheheh
lg what i know about IT..mozilla, IE, and not to forget SIMS....
nih kl main SIMS mmg xigt dunia...
pnh skali ms tuh keje kt Kluang....dh spi umah around 12.45pm...
trs on PC layan SIMS...sedar2 dh 7.30pm...tgk penangan SIMS...
tp time tuh lampu merah sbb tuh main xigt dunia...
fuhhh...teruk kan....
so today nk try photoscape...will try update my creativity...ceeehhhh
Monday, June 16, 2008
Both my 2H is admitted to Hospital
5th June - pegi KL ngan asben n Hifzza, Hafsya tggl di KB (ini mmg ada hal)
6th June - Plan nk gi Penang (ngan my parents all), tp at 4am, mak aku call gitau Hafsya demam
6th June (5am) - trs gerak ker KB
6th June (12pm) - sampai di KB
6th June (2pm) - trs gerak ker PSH..lbt skit gi spital sbb nk kene mandi dl. from KL-KB mmg cabut gitu jer...xmandi...cume gosok gigi
Dr cakap die kene infection yg dh lama...die nyer infection is higher than normal..
should be max is 450mg/mol (unit tuh if i'm not mistaken lah) tp die nyer reading is 780!!
alhamdullilah she's ok..cume ada one nite..die nyer fever is 39.5oC...
trs nurse kelam kelibut buat sponging tuk die...
aku time tuh nangis jer sbb sedih sgt tgk die nangis esak2 n takleh tido sbb asyk kene lap jer bdn..
my asben pn amik cuti till Hafsya discharged on 10th June
pas discharged trs my asben blk kerteh...
n so far till now Hafsya is alhamdulillah sihat...

but the drama then continues for her elder sister lak...
11th June - Hifzza started demam n nampak tak active
12th June - Hifzza plak demam panas...the temp is 39oC
12th June (9am) - trs ke PSH (again...) spi sana her Paed, Dr. Mazidah (same Dr as Hafsya) trs terkejut...now what...her elder sister plak yg dmm..
after done few checkup, she suspected that might be something inside her lung...
so she arranged to do chest X-ray...then she advised Hifzza to be admitted to ward..(again..)
during that I keep on updating my asben on Hifzza's condition...
Again..my asben need to drive back home to KB...

notice tak bilik die yg lain skit dr Hafsya...
padahal dua2 blik tuh sama jer single deluxe...tp bilik Hifzza lg lawa...
ayah aku siap cakap lg...dh honeymoon lg npknyer...
nk honeymoon apenyer dlm ward...lgpn aku pn tgh pantang 100 days..(heheheh)
npk tak hifzza duk bwh katil tuh...
perghhh mmg berasap abih aku time nih...
sbb bile msk bwh ktl tuh satgi wayar die tertarik2...aku plak jenis ngeri tkt putus ker ape ker...
tp kl nak tau die hanya akan ke tpt2 yg tersembunyi jike die poo poo (buang air besar)...
jgn ler sape nk kacau2 die or pggl2 time die tgh poo poo...
silap2 kite yg kene marah....and ada jgk baby cot tuh...
sbb Hafsya pn lg skali dk dlm ward sbb her Paed nk jgk check skali die sbl2 check Hifzza...
btw, nak komplen skit...during nk discharge pnyrlah lbt service...
aku tgg dr kul 12 till 3 pnxleh discharge lg...last2 dh berasap aku trs trn kt billing counter...
trs tanya...siap ckp they still not received GL from PM Care...
tp at 2pm aku dh call PMCare and they said dieorg dh fax at 1.52pm...
pastu aku mtk fax no..n then call PMCAre blk..last2 elok aku abih ckp ngan PMCare tuh ..
die pggl..Puan..Puan...dh siap dh...PMCare fax kt office no not billing no...
tp aku tgkbil dh complete...npk sgt ler menipunyer...pdhl saje nk melambat2kan...
5th June - pegi KL ngan asben n Hifzza, Hafsya tggl di KB (ini mmg ada hal)
6th June - Plan nk gi Penang (ngan my parents all), tp at 4am, mak aku call gitau Hafsya demam
6th June (5am) - trs gerak ker KB
6th June (12pm) - sampai di KB
6th June (2pm) - trs gerak ker PSH..lbt skit gi spital sbb nk kene mandi dl. from KL-KB mmg cabut gitu jer...xmandi...cume gosok gigi
Dr cakap die kene infection yg dh lama...die nyer infection is higher than normal..
should be max is 450mg/mol (unit tuh if i'm not mistaken lah) tp die nyer reading is 780!!
alhamdullilah she's ok..cume ada one nite..die nyer fever is 39.5oC...
trs nurse kelam kelibut buat sponging tuk die...
aku time tuh nangis jer sbb sedih sgt tgk die nangis esak2 n takleh tido sbb asyk kene lap jer bdn..
my asben pn amik cuti till Hafsya discharged on 10th June
pas discharged trs my asben blk kerteh...
n so far till now Hafsya is alhamdulillah sihat...

but the drama then continues for her elder sister lak...
11th June - Hifzza started demam n nampak tak active
12th June - Hifzza plak demam panas...the temp is 39oC
12th June (9am) - trs ke PSH (again...) spi sana her Paed, Dr. Mazidah (same Dr as Hafsya) trs terkejut...now what...her elder sister plak yg dmm..
after done few checkup, she suspected that might be something inside her lung...
so she arranged to do chest X-ray...then she advised Hifzza to be admitted to ward..(again..)
during that I keep on updating my asben on Hifzza's condition...
Again..my asben need to drive back home to KB...

notice tak bilik die yg lain skit dr Hafsya...
padahal dua2 blik tuh sama jer single deluxe...tp bilik Hifzza lg lawa...
ayah aku siap cakap lg...dh honeymoon lg npknyer...
nk honeymoon apenyer dlm ward...lgpn aku pn tgh pantang 100 days..(heheheh)
npk tak hifzza duk bwh katil tuh...
perghhh mmg berasap abih aku time nih...
sbb bile msk bwh ktl tuh satgi wayar die tertarik2...aku plak jenis ngeri tkt putus ker ape ker...
tp kl nak tau die hanya akan ke tpt2 yg tersembunyi jike die poo poo (buang air besar)...
jgn ler sape nk kacau2 die or pggl2 time die tgh poo poo...
silap2 kite yg kene marah....and ada jgk baby cot tuh...
sbb Hafsya pn lg skali dk dlm ward sbb her Paed nk jgk check skali die sbl2 check Hifzza...
btw, nak komplen skit...during nk discharge pnyrlah lbt service...
aku tgg dr kul 12 till 3 pnxleh discharge lg...last2 dh berasap aku trs trn kt billing counter...
trs tanya...siap ckp they still not received GL from PM Care...
tp at 2pm aku dh call PMCare and they said dieorg dh fax at 1.52pm...
pastu aku mtk fax no..n then call PMCAre blk..last2 elok aku abih ckp ngan PMCare tuh ..
die pggl..Puan..Puan...dh siap dh...PMCare fax kt office no not billing no...
tp aku tgkbil dh complete...npk sgt ler menipunyer...pdhl saje nk melambat2kan...
Sunday, June 15, 2008
a lot of thing to be updated...
there were a lots of things happened for the past 3 weeks...
just came back from hospital after 2 days been discharged from hospital...
will update all once I've got the time..
there were a lots of things happened for the past 3 weeks...
just came back from hospital after 2 days been discharged from hospital...
will update all once I've got the time..
Monday, June 2, 2008
Gunung berapi nk meletus nih....
gng berapi tgg mase jer nih nk meletus....
maid aku frm indon br spi smlm...
tp bkn spi kerteh tp spi kt KL....adik aku gi amik ltk umah akak aku...
perrghhh....1st time impression..spi kul 5am tuh trs buat keje...
xbleh thn tuh...tp tgg citer selanjutnyer...
note : sume citer nih ada lh dr sumber akak aku...dh yerlah aku kan kt KB....
sambung balik citer....
pastu akak aku nih nk kene gi outstation 1 mgg...
so die ckp ler kt maid aku nih...kl nk mkan msk ler...
ko tau ape jaw maid nih...:
maid : saya malas...akak belikan boleh..??
kepala hangguk die!!!...berani die jawab mcm tuh...
ko sedar diri skit...aku bkn amik ko tuk jdk mem...!!!!
tp tuk jadik MAID...ngerti MAID....!!
berasap2 dh gunung berapi..tp xmeletus lg ler...tgh berasap lg...
pastu leh die kate kt akak aku die tak reti jg bdak kecik, tak reti iron bj...die cume tau kemas umah....
weeiii !!!!....kl setakat aku nk amik ko tuk kemas umah jer baik tak payah...!!
aku pn leh kemas umah aku....silap2 ko nyer kemas umah tuh tak mencapai std piawaian aku...
aku nih bab kemas umah nk kene pass high std...
setakat sapu umah jer tp brg bersepah xgune jgk....
pastu lak...ko ckp tak reti jg bdk kecik...
abih anak ko dl sape jg...ko antar nursery ek...??!!!
aku mmg berasap abih time akak aku citer nih....
pastu lak ptg tuh akak aku tgk takde...
puas akak aku crk...tepi, blkg dpn umah...
last2 akak aku kunci pintu...
tau plk die blk....ketuk2 pintu...akak aku tanya gi mn...die jwb sidai kain...
lg satu kepala hangguk die...mn ada kain nk sidai...
ko kl nk tipu...pk ler dulu....ko igt kiteorg nih bdk kecik ker....
lu pk ler sendiri...!!
di sbbkan kt umah akak aku xde org...
so akak aku pk nk kene ltk umah adik aku...
satgi kang..duk kuar berjalan lak..
lagi satu sandiwara die buat....
die ckp tak nk pindah2...pindah2 tuh dr umah akak aku ke umah adik aku ler...
amboiiii....siap ugut tuh yg tak tahan....die ckp...
kl pasnih pindah lg....die nk blk indon....
akak aku trs tepon aku....pastu die nk ckp ngan majikan die...
hahhhh...ni majikan die berckp...ape lg...dr td berasap....skang dh tibe ms nk meletus....
aku : hallo !! (nih aku dh bengang dh)
pastu senyap kejap...mgkn die terkejut kot sbb grg benor majikan die nih...
maid : kak, saya keje di mana...
aku : kamu nanti keje di trenganu!!..kamu pegi umah adik saya...bukan org lain adik saya juga!!...nnt ari jum br saya ambil kamu...!!
maid : baik kak
time nih aku rs cam dh mrh budak indon time aku keje kt TG dl....
tuh igt nk meletup kuar larva mmbuak2...tp sbb aku tak tgk lg die keje..so simpan dl...
dieorg nih kan ada probation period 3 bln...
so dlm ms 3 bln xpuas ati leh antar blk..tp nk dpt ganti tuh yg wallahualam dpt ker tak...
tp kl antar dlm ms 3 bln nih....die nnt nk kene byr blk kt agent...
aku bkn ape..ko kl tjk prgi baik...aku layan baik...
maid aku yg skang nih (maid siam)...mkn tengahari pn semeja ngan kiteorg...
pastu ape aku mkn maid aku yg skang nih akan mkn jgk...
xde lah setengah org...die mkn pizza...tp maid duk tgk jer...
kl ko tjk prgi elok nnt aku bg ler brg kemas zhulian...hahahha
nk bg brg kemas betoi....aku pn xmampu....kt maid siam aku nih ada ler aku bg brg zhulian...
tp nih dh 1st day ko tjk prgi tak elok....sape yg xmrh....
aku tkt jgk satgi kang die buat ape2 kt anak aku tuh...
dh lah sorg tuh baby lg...yg sorg tuh plak nk berckp nk ngadu pn xleh lg...
tuh ler aku akan tgk die keje...kl ok aku continue...kl xok...mmg aku antar blk lah...
anak sulong ku : Wan Hifzza Wan Hamdan
anak kedua ku : Wan Hafsya Wan Hamdan
sggp ker aku biarkan 2 bdk comel ini di apakan2 oleh org yg takde pertalian darah lgsg ngan keluarga aku...
fuhhh tetiab jdk emo lak...
tp cara aku antar blk tuh nnt aku xgune kelembutan ler...aku gune TG nyer style...
takde notice...nnt trs ckp kemas kain bj trs blk....
time tuh nnt ko nk meraung ker sujud ker ape..jgn arap aku nk layan dh...
tp doa2lah moga2 yg terbaik tuk keluarga aku...seperti yg slalu aku ckp kt bebudak indon time keje kt TG dl...
saya senang...kamu senang....yg lain...lu pk ler sendiri!!!!
maid aku frm indon br spi smlm...
tp bkn spi kerteh tp spi kt KL....adik aku gi amik ltk umah akak aku...
perrghhh....1st time impression..spi kul 5am tuh trs buat keje...
xbleh thn tuh...tp tgg citer selanjutnyer...
note : sume citer nih ada lh dr sumber akak aku...dh yerlah aku kan kt KB....
sambung balik citer....
pastu akak aku nih nk kene gi outstation 1 mgg...
so die ckp ler kt maid aku nih...kl nk mkan msk ler...
ko tau ape jaw maid nih...:
maid : saya malas...akak belikan boleh..??
kepala hangguk die!!!...berani die jawab mcm tuh...
ko sedar diri skit...aku bkn amik ko tuk jdk mem...!!!!
tp tuk jadik MAID...ngerti MAID....!!
berasap2 dh gunung berapi..tp xmeletus lg ler...tgh berasap lg...
pastu leh die kate kt akak aku die tak reti jg bdak kecik, tak reti iron bj...die cume tau kemas umah....
weeiii !!!!....kl setakat aku nk amik ko tuk kemas umah jer baik tak payah...!!
aku pn leh kemas umah aku....silap2 ko nyer kemas umah tuh tak mencapai std piawaian aku...
aku nih bab kemas umah nk kene pass high std...
setakat sapu umah jer tp brg bersepah xgune jgk....
pastu lak...ko ckp tak reti jg bdk kecik...
abih anak ko dl sape jg...ko antar nursery ek...??!!!
aku mmg berasap abih time akak aku citer nih....
pastu lak ptg tuh akak aku tgk takde...
puas akak aku crk...tepi, blkg dpn umah...
last2 akak aku kunci pintu...
tau plk die blk....ketuk2 pintu...akak aku tanya gi mn...die jwb sidai kain...
lg satu kepala hangguk die...mn ada kain nk sidai...
ko kl nk tipu...pk ler dulu....ko igt kiteorg nih bdk kecik ker....
lu pk ler sendiri...!!
di sbbkan kt umah akak aku xde org...
so akak aku pk nk kene ltk umah adik aku...
satgi kang..duk kuar berjalan lak..
lagi satu sandiwara die buat....
die ckp tak nk pindah2...pindah2 tuh dr umah akak aku ke umah adik aku ler...
amboiiii....siap ugut tuh yg tak tahan....die ckp...
kl pasnih pindah lg....die nk blk indon....
akak aku trs tepon aku....pastu die nk ckp ngan majikan die...
hahhhh...ni majikan die berckp...ape lg...dr td berasap....skang dh tibe ms nk meletus....
aku : hallo !! (nih aku dh bengang dh)
pastu senyap kejap...mgkn die terkejut kot sbb grg benor majikan die nih...
maid : kak, saya keje di mana...
aku : kamu nanti keje di trenganu!!..kamu pegi umah adik saya...bukan org lain adik saya juga!!...nnt ari jum br saya ambil kamu...!!
maid : baik kak
time nih aku rs cam dh mrh budak indon time aku keje kt TG dl....
tuh igt nk meletup kuar larva mmbuak2...tp sbb aku tak tgk lg die keje..so simpan dl...
dieorg nih kan ada probation period 3 bln...
so dlm ms 3 bln xpuas ati leh antar blk..tp nk dpt ganti tuh yg wallahualam dpt ker tak...
tp kl antar dlm ms 3 bln nih....die nnt nk kene byr blk kt agent...
aku bkn ape..ko kl tjk prgi baik...aku layan baik...
maid aku yg skang nih (maid siam)...mkn tengahari pn semeja ngan kiteorg...
pastu ape aku mkn maid aku yg skang nih akan mkn jgk...
xde lah setengah org...die mkn pizza...tp maid duk tgk jer...
kl ko tjk prgi elok nnt aku bg ler brg kemas zhulian...hahahha
nk bg brg kemas betoi....aku pn xmampu....kt maid siam aku nih ada ler aku bg brg zhulian...
tp nih dh 1st day ko tjk prgi tak elok....sape yg xmrh....
aku tkt jgk satgi kang die buat ape2 kt anak aku tuh...
dh lah sorg tuh baby lg...yg sorg tuh plak nk berckp nk ngadu pn xleh lg...
tuh ler aku akan tgk die keje...kl ok aku continue...kl xok...mmg aku antar blk lah...


sggp ker aku biarkan 2 bdk comel ini di apakan2 oleh org yg takde pertalian darah lgsg ngan keluarga aku...
fuhhh tetiab jdk emo lak...
tp cara aku antar blk tuh nnt aku xgune kelembutan ler...aku gune TG nyer style...
takde notice...nnt trs ckp kemas kain bj trs blk....
time tuh nnt ko nk meraung ker sujud ker ape..jgn arap aku nk layan dh...
tp doa2lah moga2 yg terbaik tuk keluarga aku...seperti yg slalu aku ckp kt bebudak indon time keje kt TG dl...
saya senang...kamu senang....yg lain...lu pk ler sendiri!!!!
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